Lunie and Rico's Wedding

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4 years later

The wedding went off with a bang literally rico and silvia ran down and out of the barn as everyone shot blanks into the air and she was wearing a silver and white wedding dress the top was made out of silver metal corset and her skirt was a snow white fabric that flowed and clung in all the right places and had the right amount of beading on the skirt rico was in a black tux with black vest and tie while the groomsmen wore silver the bridesmaids wore similar dresses as lunies but were black and silver but wolfie and danny since they were maid of honor and the best man wolfie wore a solid black dress and danny wore black bow tie vest and tux there was three groomsmen and bridesmaids counting the best man and maid of honor. Rico and alex was engaged sammy and emma was engaged and raven and avangeline were married and had a child due in december near christmas and ravens father was healed thanks to apollo and the reception dinner was steak like lunie had told Hera the cow she had gotten from the goddess was steak and very good steak at that which caused everyone to laugh when lunie said when they were announcing that they were moving into the del la luna maion "i dont waist present i get and that cow i got from christmas is good isn't it people its what your eating i know so i fixed it my self with grams help" as she ate her steak causing everyone to laugh even the gods but not Hera she looked horrified at lunie and the steak in front of her. Apollo had walked lunie down the aisle and Lunies demigod friend whose mother was a very strict christian and got him to be a priest though he only id weddings for demigods and had several tattoos and was part of a motorcycle gang filled with demigods and killed people he was very nice and could cuss a sailor out in too embarrassment. The wedding was beautiful and suited both bride and groom.

So this is goodbye until its time to tell everyone else's stories so for now....


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