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Lorraine Verity’s P.O.V

 I drifted in and out of consciousness. Sleep seemed to be taking over my eyelids, because they slowly began to drop and drop until my eyes were closed. Of course, that didn’t last for very long. “Lorraine Verity Edison, if you fall asleep in my class one more time you’re automatically suspended” Mr. Warrens shrill voice rang through my ears. I groaned, and rubbed my forehead with my index fingers. “Yes Mr. Warren” I mumbled, still tired. It had been like that for weeks- ever since I started receiving the texts.

 You see, I’m Lorraine Verity Edison. I’m no ordinary high school girl; I’m the “IT” girl. Everyone loves me, wants to be me, yada yada yada. Nobody knew my personal life. I had started receiving strange text messages weeks ago, and I have no idea from, but ever since I read the first one I have barley slept. Anyway, trying to forget about them, I attempt to listen in school. It doesn’t work out very well.

 The bell rang, signalling free period. I smiled, thinking about the note that was in my locked this morning. I pulled it out of my pocket, reading it while I exited the classroom heading toward my locker.


 Meet me by the ‘the pit’ during free period. I have a surprise for you J

-          Love Riley <3

 I smiled as I re-read the note from my long time crush, Riley. WE both ‘liked’ each other, that is for sure.

 I made my way toward my locker, to meet my locker partner Jessie, or Jessie J as we called her, struggling with our lock. I laughed and took it from her. She sighed. “For once I wish I could open the freaking locker!” she said. I ignored her, and with a few twists I pulled the locker door open. I placed my books in and left it open for her. “You’re magic!” she said laughing. I shrugged. “Or, maybe I have a memory” I said.

 Jessie stuck her tongue out at me like a child would, but I only laughed and patted her on the head. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off!” I said, and quickly tried to make my way out of the building to ‘the pit’ (Which, in other words, is where the stoners go to deal drugs and stuff like that). I made my way over, and saw Riley standing there all alone waiting for me. “Hey” I said and waved. He smirked. “So you got my note?” he asked. “Obviously, why else would I be here?” I asked. I them caught onto the joke I might be here for drugs. “Oh, very funny. Seriously, what do you want?” I asked him.

 He smiled innocently. “I just wanted to hang out- with the most gorgeous girl at school” he said, running his fingers through my hair. I smiled a flirtatious smile. “Walk with me” I said, and we began to walk around the school grounds. Somehow, our hands found each other and he held mine close. I didn’t acknowledge it at first; it always happens with us.

 “So how’s life, Raina?” he asked me, calling me by my nickname. I stopped walking. “Um, its okay I guess” I answered quickly. He raised an eyebrow. “Is any guy giving you problems? I’ll kick their ass if they are” Riley said. As we continued walking, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I stopped again, breathing heavily. I slowly pulled it out of my pocket, and relaxed when I saw it was just Jessie saying ‘hi’. I ignored it and continued walking with Riley.

 “You’re ignoring your messages?” he asked me. I shrugged. “Only the ones I don’t find important” I answered. Seriously, what was the point of answering every message? He stiffened. “Why, what’s so wrong with that?” I asked him. He shook his head, loosening up again. “Nothing, sorry” he said strangely.

 I stared at him for a moment, but then let it go. He then pulled me close, placing his arm around my shoulders. “So, what do you say about me and you hanging out tonight?” he asked me.

 “I say... maybe” I replied. I wasn’t in the mood to do anything tonight. Riley smiled. “Please?” he asked. I pulled away from him. “Maybe, I’ll text you later, I got to go!” I said, and ran off to find Jesse J to tell her Riley asked me out. I found her in the hallway, talking to my other friends Vanessa and Jake. “Guess what!” I squealed. Before they had time to answer, I told them. “Riley asked me out tonight!” Jessie J squealed and hugged me.

 Jake laughed. “Finally!” he said. Vanessa smiled. “So, what did you say?” she asked me. They probably all assumed I had said ‘yes’. “I said maybe” I told them. Their jaws dropped. “Maybe?!” Vanessa practically shouted at me. I shrugged. “I’m playing hard to get” I whispered. “Ohhhh” they all said in unison. Jake, my best friend out of the entire group, hugged me with one arm. “Our little girl is finally growing up” he said and lightly punched my shoulder. I laughed along with their little jokes, until my phone vibrated in my pocket again. I took it out, and my eyes went wide when I saw who it was from.

 “What, who is it?” Vanessa asked me. I ignored her voice and read the message.

 555-9816: I love your outfit today Lorraine, you’re so pretty. Too bad you won’t be around much longer.

I gulped. So much for sleep tonight. “Are you okay Raina?” Jake asked me, concern spreading across his cute face. I shook it off. “Yeah, I’m fine, just cold, that’s all” I lied to them. I hated lying to my friends. After a moment or two of silence, Jessie J broke the silence. “So how about that math test earlier? Pi still confuses me, what did you get-“I spaced out as she kept talking. That text scared me more than the others. ‘It’ knew what I was wearing, so did that mean... He could be watching me right now? Could this person be someone I know?

 I shook my head. It’s probably just a stupid prank. Yeah, the scariest prank ever I thought to myself. I looked at my watch. 20 minutes left until we go home. I sighed, and I forgot that my friends were there with me. “Whoa, are you ‘Kay Raina, you’re turning really pale” Jake said. I shook my head. “I’m fine! Now, let’s go do something before I die of boredom” I said and began to walk away, not really caring if they were following me or not. Of course, like the best friends they were, they were following right behind me like lost puppy dogs.

 As we walked, Riley came up to me. “Hey, so what do you say to tonight, yes or no? I can’t take maybe as an answer” he said to me, pulling me aside from my friends. I took a quick glance over at my friends. They were all nodding for me to say yes. I turned back to Riley and smiled the flirtiest smile I could. “Sure, pick me up at 7” I said and winked at him. He smirked and kissed my forehead. “See you then” he said and walked off, waving over his shoulder. I turned back to my friends.

 As I did, my phone vibrated again. I swallowed a hard lump in my throat. I ignored it, and ran off with my friends, trying to enjoy the rest of the day. 

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