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"I want to see the garden, Shin-chan."

How could he say no? Holding onto his hand, Shin carefully led Budo out to the garden, trying to banish him wayward thoughts about how he may not be able to do this anymore very soon.

A body-wracking cough from his partner, however, brought those thoughts right back to the forefront, and he could feel tears already starting to form in the corners of his eyes.

This garden was beautiful, if Shin did say so himself.

Another loud cough brought Shin back to the present. A small, contented smile was on his face, and it never failed to make Shin fall in love all over again. That was his power, it seemed. Budo could make anyone he wanted become a better person, or fall deeply, madly in love with him.

Why he chose someone as worthless as himself he would never know, but every single day he thanked his lucky stars that he'd been granted even a small moment in time with Budo.

Now that time was coming to an end, and as much as he didn't want to be selfish, pain was constantly gripping his heart and mind like a vise.

"Little aches and pains" was far from the truth.

Right, that accident.

Every action Budo had to perform each day was a struggle now, and it had become impossible to hide it from anyone, let alone Shin. He refused to leave Budo's side anymore, making sure his partner was as comfortable as possible at every point of the day.

With discernible effort, he laid down next to a patch of roses, earning him a somewhat confused look from Shin.

Her voice had grown raspy with each passing day, and frequent bouts of coughing tended to interrupt his sentences, but even like this Shin had never heard a voice so sweet, so loving.



"If I lay here." - He slowly ran a shaking hand over the grass, the blades bending beneath his palm. - "If I just... lay here, would you be with me?"

Another cough rattled his speech, but he pressed on.

"Would you be with me and just forget the world?"

No longer could Shin stop the tears from trailing down his cheeks, and his own voice faltered when he tried to respond. He could only nod silently as he laid down next to his beloved.

Budo wrapping his arms gently around Shin and holding him closer.

"Don't cry, Shin-chan. I'll always love you."

Shin couldn't help but blush at those words. No matter how many times Budo said it, it never failed to bring a tinge of crimson to his cheeks. They were quiet for a couple minutes, just enjoying the sensation of each other as a soft breeze tickled their skin.

"I love you, Shin-chan."

His voice was growing quieter, light enough to nearly get carried away by the wind.

"I love you too, Budo. I've never been so... so happy."

Those words put a smile on Budo's face, and he closed her eyes before leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on Shin's lips.

"Your happiness is my happiness." - His voice seemed to be growing fainter still, and on instinct he clutched Shin tighter against his own body.

"Keep tending to this garden, Shin-chan." - One arm stretched out shakily, placing one finger at the top of a rose stem and letting it slide all the way to the leaves below. - "I'll still be with you here."

"You're still here, Budo."

Tears were falling freely again from his eyes as Budo hung onto Shin for dear life, not daring to let go.

"You're still here."

"I'll always be here, Shin-chan." A softer kiss was placed once more on his lips, and the taste lingered even as it started to grow cold. "I love you, my darling Shin-chan."

"I love you, Budo." - Shin's body was shaking as he shut his eyes, the sleeve of Budo's shirt growing damper with each passing second.

"I love you, I love you. I-I love you."

It was so quiet: too quiet. Shin slowly moved back and stared at Budo's face. His eyes were closed, and he couldn't see the telltale rise and fall of his chest. Panic begin to set in.

"D-Doctor!" - He gently shook Budo's shoulders, but no smile formed on those lips.

He was screaming, tears cascading down his face as he became desperate in his attempts to wake his beloved.

"Someone, help!!!"

A blur of red crossed her vision before he felt a hand grab him by the shirt and yank him away, his eyes wide as the doctor dropped to his knees and pressed two fingers just under Budo's jawline.

Flipping open the case that had been in her hands, he pulled out what Shin recognized as a defibrillator and flicked a switch, rubbing the two electrodes together before putting them down on Budo. The sight of his body jerking up so unnaturally caused Shin to cringe, but he couldn't look away. Two more times this was done, then he checked again.

Time seemed to stand still, and for a single moment Shin allowed himself a smidgen of hope. The doctor glanced over towards him, and those eyes told him everything he didn't want to know.

The garden rang out with his anguihed, miserable screams.


One less white rose grew in the garden. Shin had carefully pruned it and carried it with him to give to Budo.

Trembling hands placed it at the foot of his beloved's headstone, his misted eyes giving the words chiseled upon it a morose look.

There wasn't enough room to write every amazing thing about Budo, not nearly enough space or words to express just how much he had meant to him.

Putting a hand onto the marker, he slowly bent himself down, onto his knees in front of the stone. Then he laid down on his side, letting a finger drift up and down the rose's stem.

For many, many wonderful years, he had been blessed to spend his time with his lover had ever been lucky to be graced with, and now the cold cruelties of reality had taken that away.

He held the flower between his fingers, his entire body being wracked with a choked sob.

He hadn't realized that he'd started crying, but that was all he wanted to do now. How could he ever be happy again?

Pulling a yellow note close to his chest, he cried, holding onto the only thing he had left of one who was too perfect for this world.

"Sorry, I can't smile anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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