Tagged 7

11 0 0

Hiya guys! So I was tagged by Swimming_Dolphin , let's get started😊

1. Write down the rules
2. You cannot refuse the tag
3. You must post this in 1 week, if not the person who tagged you had to make a punishment for you
4. Write 13 facts about yourself
5. Tag 15 people once your done

13 facts about me
1. I play tennis
2. I'm 12 years old
3. I love to draw
4. I love Koalas, bunnies and pandas
5. My favorite anime is Red Data Girl, Hundred and Snow White With The Red Hair
6. I love to play Pokemon
7. I like hugs!
8. I love anime
9. My favorite color is mint green
10. I have brown hair
11. I'm a girl
12. I love strawberries, apples and mango
13. I hate Lizards

People I tag
1. -_Sakuma_Jirou_-
2. Vodkacupcake
3. 3V_Eclipse
4. ___the_daydreamer___
5. _Kkamjong__
6. gabbimorales
7. jackonswifter
8. AnaPago08
10. thedemigodgeek
11. Kazemaru_Ichirouta14
12. kirino-ranmaru
14. _Kkamjong__
15. mallorydiangelo

Okay I'm done! Koala out!😋

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