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Let me not talk to you for a moment even though my very presence makes you feel the very thing that you've long for but never had, acceptance. Let me, talk behind your back; or, how bout infront of your face with whispers you cannot hear, but the, paranoia of my hands making a barrier for words to reach anothers ears, is killings you.

Or, let me, laugh a laugh that is about you, you know that, laugh that has you wanting to cry, slowly dying inside because you don't know what about you im laughing at. See,all you know is that the, squinting of my eyes, and the, laugh lines around my mouth give you this feeling in the pit of your stomach that what I'm laughing at is really, about, you. Or how about this, I tell you I love you and let you slowly slip into my circle but as soon as you do something I don't like, or tell me about me,(TRUTH), I quickly give you the cold shoulder as I turn my back, taking you back to that place of not just being alone, but to that feeling that comes with being lonely.

Let me judge for a second because you are angry at something that is nothing to the point that you are making a scene, to be seen, so I judge and remove you from my sight where you are no longer seen.

How about I cut a little deeper. When you are going through something spiritual, I, give you my number, tell you that when you need me just call me, but as soon as you are at the end of your rope shedding tears in the middle of the night because the battle in your head is to strong, yet you find the strength to grab your phone and call me, but as soon as I awake from my slumber and see your call in the middle of the night, I, hit ignore, roll back over, instead of seeing if your alright.

Have you guessed who I am yet?

I am that thing that all fear they'll have to face in life. That word that makes one crenge when they hear me,

I am rejected.... See, I am that monster that when you fall in love with someone who doesn't love you, but intentionally string you along and when the time is right in their eyes, they quickly remove your heart from their hand, the only stability that was keeping it up, and watch as it shatters like glass when it hits the floor. This is me..!

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