- Tagged -

31 1 6

Tagged by:  kanekikami


-Be creative with the title [Nah]

-Write 13 facts about yourself

-Tag 13 people

1. I don't think I know 13 people on this website

2. I've been watching anime since before I can remember

3. The first anime I recommended to my family was Soul Eater

4. I have a mom and a dad, and X siblings

5. I am way to picky when eating food

6. If I don't have my sketchbook and/or headphones, something's wrong

7. I get sick a lot

8. I've read all of Astro Boy that I had access to, in 2nd Grade

9. Even though it's my favorite subject, math is by far my worst grade

10. I've been told I'm too hard on myself

11. I am very into hitting people

12. My favorite color is green

13. My favorite anime/manga characters of all time is Aomine Daiki, Roronoa Zoro following close after

Yeah, I definitely don't know 13 people.






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