Chapter 3 - Another Visit

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At the hospital, James was placed in Intensive Care. He was unconscious due to his head injury. The doctor assigned to James recovery discovered swelling in the brain and thought that a medically inducted coma could help him recover from the situation. The doctor tried waking James but his attempt sparked uncontrollable seizers that could result in death if not handled properly. The inducted coma would make it possible for the brain swelling to go down was his final thought. The doctor explained the situation to the chief medical doctor and he also agreed to the inducted coma. Upon the chief's authorization the doctor administered the appropriate amount of medication to keep James under.

Typically the general public believed comas to be a bad thing. They are in some cases but in others they helped certain individuals to survive a traumatic event. Human brains unlike anything else in the body are unable to rest. It process information from the day it's formed until it ceases to exist. Sometimes brains get overloaded with information and functionality crash. The subconscious mind working in conjunction with the super-subconscious mind allows bliss to take place in mind, body and spirt like fluid. It's the conscious mind that invades the territory with thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that through off the brains synchronicity. When the brain is off, the body is off, and the world loses something significantly unexplainable. Man has found a way to solve the crashing cause in computers, which lead to them finding the crashing cause in humans. Like computers, people just need to be shut down so their brains can reformat. Reformatting helps the brain to process information faster, and update its applications with new information and systems learned. Normal comas can heal or kill, it hard to say which because they can't be controlled. Medically inducted comas are used for healing and can help a person recover from their ailment.

Once the procedure was done, the doctor set up an electronic monitor and life support system to make sure James would survive the night. The life support system would cut on; if James stopped breathing on his own. Plus, it was the hospital insurance to avoid liability for his death. The doctor also thought to have a night nurse make rounds to check on James hourly but decided against it since he was already under police watch. A night nurse would also cost the hospital over time pay, which no one would approve due to low funding.

The doctor set everything up for the night, tested the machine, and updated his charts. Before leaving he informed the police on guard about James' condition and asked him to check in on him every once in a while. The officer agreed and wrote the request in his logbook and sat down in a chair outside the door.

The doctor approached the nursing station to check out. Before he reached it he felt a presents and a passing chill. His spirit knew that it was the taker of souls, but that information didn't communicate that data to his physical mind. The feeling was like being at a grocery store; every aisle was room temperature accept the frozen goods. The chill from the refrigerated foods told you where you were and why you were there. The feeling also resembled eyes staring from across a room. You can feel the stare but you can't see it until you looked up at it. The chill and the stare moved towards the direction the doctor had just left. It passed him as a moving body would, and stopped in front of the police officers in front of James' room.

The doctor stopped and turned around but didn't see anything other than the policeman sitting down in front of the door. The spirit inside pushed him to forget about what he was feeling and move on and it eventually won out. The police officer's spirit felt the stare and chill and looked up at the doctor. The police officers spirit took over some functions in his body that caused him to shake. He couldn't tell if the alert was coming from the doctor's sudden stop and stare or something else. The officer placed his hand over his gun and stood up.

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