Self Doubt

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Self Doubt:

Joe was the first to burst into the room as soon as the nurses guarding the door permitted it. Mark was bandaged from head to toe and his right leg was suspended in a cast while a doctor was adjusting an IV attached to his arm. The parts of his face that were left visible were marred with both bruises and cuts running across.

"How's he doing?" he asked. The doctor looked up, looking weary but otherwise content.

"He'll make a full recovery detective. Don't worry. It'll hurt like hell for a while but he'll be back on his feet before you know it." With that, the doctor collected his notes and walked to the door, leaving Joe alone with his friend. After a protracted silence, Joe could see Mark stir and open his eyes.

"That bomb was meant for me," Joe muttered. He took a seat next to Mark. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this mess."

"Joe, you can't claim credit for everything. Hard as you try even you're not that good," Mark replied with a chuckle. "Besides, I'm sure Lindsay'll think these new scars are sexy as hell." In spite of Mark's extensive injuries, Joe groaned at his friend's deplorable sense of humor.

"That's one way of putting it."

"Hey obviously I can still throw those lame jokes at you like nothing ever happened. I'll be fine, so do me a favor and just send whoever made that bomb my personal thank you note when you find them. Sound good?"

"You got it." Joe gently patted Mark on his left shoulder, one of the few parts of his body that were unscathed. He walked out of the room, only to see Kaylie and Emma standing and talking between themselves. Joe gave the both of them a look of disgust and brushed past them.

"Detective Rodriguez, wait!" Kaylie rushed after him until she caught up to him. The two were the only ones in the hallway by the time Joe stopped. "Look, I'm sorry about your partner. I should've checked-"

"You know I was just going to not say anything but since you bring it up I'm gonna ask you just once. Where the hell did your tip come from?"

"I... You know I can't tell you that."

"Of fucking course you can't. Did it not cross your mind even once that a woman with extensive military training like your Proselyte Killer wouldn't know a thing or two about booby traps? You're pathetic." Joe turned back around to keep walking.

"Not everything's what it seems Detective." The anxiety in Kaylie's voice compelled Joe to stop and at least listen with his back still turned. "Often the people with the most power to find the truth, try their hardest to hide from it."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Joe turned around. He was taken aback by Kaylie's nervous demeanor. She took a step forward and took Joe's right hand. He was about to jerk away when he felt a paper note slip into his fingers.

"Just be careful." As abruptly as she came, Kaylie walked away and disappeared from Joe's sight. He waited until he had walked to his car and was alone to read the slip of paper. He pulled out his phone.

"Hey Mckayla. Can you meet for a bit?"


Mckayla pulled into her driveway and nervously looked all around her. It was dark by the time she had made it home and the light posts in the street barely penetrated the darkness. She nearly yelped and pulled out a taser when she saw a figure approach her from the sidewalk.

"Relax. It's just me," Joe's voice called out. He walked over and took her hand, gently lowering the weapon. "Sorry but it was kind of an emergency."

"What's going on Joe? You sounded a little worried. And coming from you that really freaks me out."

"It's... Is Ethan asleep?"

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