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Shadow Katsu: A Guy who doesn't want to talk alot with other people. Has a annoying Sister named Natsumi. Has a Crush on Akira Deviane, And likes to read books Just like his sister.

Natsumi Katsu:A Nerd who likes to read books Alot like her Brother.Isn't Shy at all And is very Friendly(Not to her Brother).

Kale Deviane: Is very Shy. Twin Sister is Akira Deviane, Is Also very Friendly And Has a Crush on Yuki Ienari.

Akira Deviane:Pretty Much a Rebel like her Best Friends. Really loves Kale Deviane who is her brother.Is Smart And Has a Crush on Shadow.

Alysar Jay:Is a rebel , strong , doesn't care much about school , act sometimes like a Boss And doesn't Has a Crush on anyone.

Tokimasa Ienari:Has 2 Little sisters named Yuki Ienari And Kuraiko Ienari. Sometimes act like a Baka, is funny And Liked Annie who doesn't like him back

Yuki Ienari:Is The youngest Ienari And likes to "stalk" other people especially Kale Her Crush, Her Sister Kuraiko is Pretty much her Best Friend.

Kuraiko Ienari:Acts like a Boss towards her Siblings. Likes Angel bc she likes Quiet people bc she Doesn't like The other "baka's".

Annie Hallelujah:Loves Cats Has one herself takes The Cat always to school. Doesn't want to talk to other people Only to her Cat.

Angel:Never Talks to other people. Only Has a Secret Crush on Kuraiko Most times skips school And Sleeps alot but when he Comes to Class he Just sleeps.

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