Mates With The Alpha

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I was frozen.

I didn't know what to do.

He was my mate. The godlike creature in front of me whose arms, which were extremely rippled with muscle if I do say so myself, were wrapped around me possessively.

My body was ravishing this moment as tingles coursed all throughout my cells and a feeling pooled at the bottom of my stomach. This was the big thing that was going to happen today. I would find my mate.

I didn't know what to do. Shei was clawing to get out, I'm pretty sure she wanted to take our hunk of a mate right here right now. As if thinking the same thing my mate spoke again, his voice deep and husky.

"I'm tempted to take you right here on the floor little mate," he whispered into my ear his lips brushing my earlobe with every word he spoke, "but don't worry, I'm restraining my wolf."

I shuddered at his words. Apart of me wanted him to do exactly what he said, however a much larger proportion of me wanted nothing of it. It was as if my head wanted one thing and my body wanted another, an internal battle that I wasn't sure I could win.

My mate pulled away from me, his arms however were still clutching my stomach, as he stared into my eyes. His eyes were back to the bright blue they once were showing he had control over his wolf.

'Kiss him!' Shei growled, 'You know you want to.'

'Shut up, we don't even know what his name is!' I hissed back at her before shutting her out.

I felt a warmth spread from my chin to my face as one of his long fingers pushed my chin up to look at him. I still had no control over my body as I stood as still as a statue, my mouth agape slightly.

"Am I ever going to find out the name of my sweet mate?" He teased, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he stroked my cheek.

"Erm-" Shit. What was my name. Get it together Hayley! Oh yeah, Hayley. That was my name.

"Hayley Williams." I spoke proudly as I finally started to get control over myself.

"Hayley." My name rolled off his tongue with such grace that my knees bucked beneath me but his strong arms were tightly secured onto me so there was no way I was going to fall. "Beautiful."

Beautiful? Nobody had ever called me that. God I was in the deep end now, why do I find everything he does sexy?

"And you are?" I asked, feeling the old me resurface as I looked at him expectantly.

"I am Chase Chamberlain." And I though I spoke my name proudly. This guy must be in love with himself.

"Chase." I decided to do what he did with my name and test how it sounded coming out of my mouth. And boy did it sound perfect. It rolled off my tongue with such an ease it almost tasted sweet.

His eyes quickly turned to charcoal before going back to the blue I was starting to know too well.


Chase Chamberlain!

Just like that, I had used all my strength to push myself out of Chase's hold putting about a meter in between us. Finally, my mind was in control of my body as I stared at him with hatred and a little amount of fear.

Who wouldn't be scared. Chase was the most feared alpha in the world. He was ruthless, a murderer, fearless and heartless.

'Don't forget sexy.' Shei purred as she stared at Chase. I didn't even bother responding as I rolled my eyes internally, apart of me agreeing with Shei.

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