13 Things to Do Before You Die

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     Hey guys! Just want to let you know before you read that this is just a random little thing written in my moments boredom, so its isn't much. Also I HATE writing in third person, but I didn't really have a choice for this one for reasons you might find out later IF I ever finish it.. so in other words, don't get high hopes for this one :P but please comment and I might consider finishing it X) BTW the first chapter is always the most boring so...dont judge the book by the first chapter alone.


 Alana crept up the stairs on tip-toe. This was serious business. The bandanna covering her bald head fluttered in the draft of the hallway. Alana brushed the cloth aside from her ear as she pressed it against the door to her parent's room.

At first, she heard nothing, but as her ears accustomed to the environment, she caught some whispers. Faint, but yes, they were whispers. Alana couldn't make out any exact words, but she knew from the dark elements that they were whispering about her.

Yes, she became certain, they were talking about her. She just had  to know what they were saying. She pressed her ear in more. Alana was 13 years old when this happened. She was frail and small, with big brown eyes, and pale skin. Her hair had been a shiny, light, warm brown; and it had floated all the way down her back...before it had fallen out in horrible clumps. See, Alana had cancer-- and it was in the terminal stages. The doctor had said it, plain and straight, that Alana was going to die. He had given her 2 months. Maximum.

Diagnosed at age 11 with cancer, Alana had been hopeful at first that the treatments would be successful. But just merely a week ago from that moment, the doctor had delivered the worst news a patient with cancer could hear. Despite these very words, Alana knew she could not, would not give up until the very end. And though the evidence was strong (weight loss, hair-loss, paling of the skin, and frequent exhaustion) Alana refused to admit to anyone formally that she was slowly dying. They all knew all right, but following the lead of Alana, they chose not to mention it at all.

Alana was a emotionally strong, spunky, bright, and full of life, love, passion, and energy. Not one person could deny that Alana is truly a light in the darkness... even when the darkness was herself. She could make friends with anyone in the entire world, and she could any dark situation upside down. Her outlook on life in general was bright, even with the threat of the cancer looming over her constantly.

Of course, while Alana was optimistic and cheerful about the cancer; her family and friends were not. They all knew sooner or later she was going to die; and they would have to face it someday. They could not hide their faces until it was over. But Alana was determined not to give up, not in the least bit. As she listened to her parents talk placidly over her cancer, she felt angry. She wasn't sure why exactly. They were just concerned for her. Maybe it was the fact she did not like anyone to admit she was sick in any way. She did not want to be mentally classified as 'The girl with cancer' by her peers. She listened intently to what her parents had to say, though all she could make out was the occasional sob. The sound of footsteps behind her startled her. She whipped around to see her older sister, Denise behind her, smiling evilly. Denise was a nice girl, someone who almost never said something mean. She loved her little sister, so the cancer had knocked her off her feet.

     "Now, I hope we're not eavesdropping," she asked in a devious whisper, waggling her finger in a mock of beratment. Alana returned the crooked smile, along with a playful swat at her sister.

      "Of course not, Denise!" Alana replied jokingly. Denise's face suddenly turned hard.

     "No really, Alana, I wouldn't if I were you," she warned. Denise was the kind of girl who loved to share a secret, but when something really was wrong; she would let you know what she thought.

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