Chapter 5

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   Chapter 5

   I was awoken by Kade’s large hand grasped to my shoulder, shaking me awake. It takes me a second to recall last night’s events.

   “What… What the fuck happened?” He mutters, rubbing his eyes.

   I am left wondering if Kade remembers telling me what he did. “Do you remember anything?” I laugh.

   “Not a thing…” He gives a soft chuckle and groans. “How the hell did I get here?”

   “You drove apparently.”

   “I’m a dumbass, sweet.” He smirks softly and looks at me.

   “Kind of, I have never seen you that wasted before.” I say as I stand up and walk to the bathroom. As I start to brush my teeth I realize that I was incorrect to think that Kade was sobering up last night, he was just getting more tired, so when he said “I love you” he was just as drunk as he was when he tapped on my window.

   He smirks, “I don’t drink, but when I saw Brook with another guy already…” his smile drops and he gulps.

   I can’t help but feel slightly guilty for being one of the reasons Brook and Kade are “on a break”, but the green-eyed-monster in me is feeling a little relieved that they aren’t together.

   “It’s just another girl Kade.” I state, realizing it might have been too harsh and hope he doesn’t take it poorly.

   “That’s just it. Another person has left my life, I can’t hold on to a relationship for shit. Everyone who is remotely important to me has left.” He vents. Ouch. That one hurt considering I’m still here.

   I guess the look on my face gave him a hint to how his words affected me, “except you.” He adds with a reassuring smile.

   I giggle and look in the mirror on my wall. I grab a hair brush and start to comb out my hair, returning it to its soft, straight form. My eyes have small dark circles of mascara under them so I stand up to grab some makeup remover pads. I stand in front of the mirror again and wipe my under eyes gently, throw the wipe away and continue to stare at my reflection.

   I turn to realize Kade has been watching me the entire time and he begins to snicker.

   “What?” I awkwardly smile.

   “You’re worried about how you look when you just wake up in the morning?” He smiles at me.

   “Well, usually I wouldn’t but of course you look perfect when you wake up, and you don’t even try.” Did I just say that?

   Kade doesn’t seem to be effected by my remark, and he chuckles softly. “Yeah, whatever.” He smiles at me yet again, his perfectly straight, white teeth in full view.

   I am convinced Kade is the only person who can look as good as he does when he just woke up and is suffering a major hangover. The way his hair is scruffed so perfectly and his glitter is just flawless.

   The conversation goes on for another fifteen minutes and Kade stands up deciding it’s time to go home. He gathers his clothes and starts to head for the stairs that lead upstairs.

   “What’re you doing?” I ask hastily.

   “Going upstairs to use the front door?”

   “No you cannot do that, my dad doesn’t know you were here…”

   He smiles and heads back into my room, “oh yeah.”

   I open the window and just as he is about to climb out he raps his arms around me, pulling me in close.

   “You always look good you know?” He breathes. “Don’t doubt yourself, you’re beautiful.”

   My heart flutters at his words and I can’t help but smile. “Stop lying.” I laugh and he joins me.

  “I’m not, I’ll text you Cam.” he says as he lets go and climbs out the window.

   I hear his car start and drive down the road. I am still standing by my window, smiling, completely in awe at his words to me. Kade is so perfect. Him doing this just confirms my love for him.

   The next Monday was the day I had been anxiously waiting for all weekend. Kade only texted me once telling me that his parents were grounding him because he was gone all night and they had no clue as to where he was. They took his phone away and I haven’t heard from him since.

   As I loaded out of the bus I felt confident in the fact that things were going to start to change in the best way. Maybe Kade and I’s relationship would evolve from best friends to a couple. Thoughts like this kept circling my mind as I walked into the doors of the large school.

   I sauntered down the hallway, taking the long way, in hopes to see Kade on my way to home room. I spotted the back of him, his front being blocked by the wall, I start to head towards him excited to see his perfect face, but as I turn the corner I am greeted by the sight of his lips pressed to Brook’s.

   I scramble away hoping they didn’t see me witness their kiss, and into my homeroom. Alyssa is slouching in her chair, focused on her phone and I slide into the chair behind her. I feel sick, and broken. He would do this. He would lead my thoughts to make me want him and kiss the girl who hates me a few days later.

   All I can think about is how much I hate that Brook. She is such a slut. Hooking up with two guys in a few days? That is so typical of her. I know that isn’t the reason, but I am telling myself it is to make it seem like I have another reason besides the fact that I am jealous that Kade wants her, not me.

   Gosh! And Kade just took her back, just that easy. After this weekend, I had hoped that Kade and I could be different, but that hope was unfortunately false.  I am worried; worried of being Kade’s second choice, again, worried of brook pushing me out, and Kade letting her. I was worried about losing my best friend.

   Before I had accepted him and Brook being together, but when they broke up and Kade acted the way he did the other day (drunk or not), I had let my guard down.

And when you let your guard down, you get crushed…



Hey you guys. Short chapter, sorry but I am planning on doing a double update tonight. So hold tight. Thanks for reading(:

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