Lily's class
Lily: this class is boring, can I plz leave I don't need this
Teacher: y do u think u don't need this miss Lily
Lily: becuz I'm the only smart person in this class, the only person passing this class, the only person who can read in this class and me sister just got in trouble
Teacher: how would u know that
Lily: don't ask, so I can leave thx have a nice day
Starts to walk out the class
Teacher: where are u going
Lily: to my sister in the office and to get my other sister
Teacher: can we talk, ok class while me and her are talking Billy start reading plz
Billy: ok, the graaks sat in trojan h-o-r-s-e,
Teacher: see some one else in this class can read too
Billy: in ur face Lily were smart too
Lily: shut ur dumb fat ass up cuz u couldn't even read Greeks or horse ya stupid ass, my brother can read better then u he only in the 5th grade
Teacher:*gasp* Lily how dare u call someone fat and dumb everyone is smart in this class not only u, GO to the office
Lily: I guess it's not only the students who are un-smart becuz I was heading there, see u later u dumb fucks