The Announcement

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It was any other normal Friday, Cora and Hunter got up, dressed and ready for their favourite lesson, Chemistry, why? Because they were lab partners, this was the lesson where their relationship flourished, where they flirted endlessly. As they both open their curtains, they peer over the big burgundy fence, they watch, they smile. Hunter looks over, rubs his hand through his hair, looks down and peers up to see Cora giggling to herself, putting on some lipstick. 

Hunter leaves his house, the wind blowing through his brown hair and his blue eyes meet with Cora's brown eyes, as she locks her door, dressed in a checkered dress and little ankle boots, whilst Hunter, is wearing a plain white shirt, and black jeans, along with a navy jacket. Hunter mouthes the words "wow" and Cora looks to the ground and giggles. 

They leave for school.  

Cora's P.O.V-

As I walk to my locker, theres only one person I want to see, Hunter. I walk down the stairs and there he stands, his tall stance, and his bright blue eyes, watching me as I walk down the stairs. 

"Hi."  he says. 

"Hey, what period do we have Chemistry?" I say, acting like I didn't care. 

"That exited to see me eh?" He smirks. 

"No, just wondering."

"Last period." he says, "I'll be waiting, bye Cora."

"Bye, Hunter." I say trying not to freak out. 

He rubs his neck, and laughs as he walks away. 

I can't believe that just happened. 


Hunter's P.O.V-

All day I've waited for this lesson, Chemistry and there Cora sits, the girl I'm in love with, but it's forbidden like I'm a blue gnome, and she's a red. She sees me coming and quickly hides her lipstick, and pretends she's not interested. 

"That lipstick for someone special eh?" I smirk. 

"Yeah for Mr Mohammed." she says, laughing. 

"I know you like me!" 

After that lesson I walked her to her dad's car, Mr William's loves me. 

"Hi son!" he says. 

"Hello Sir, me and my mum look forward to see you tonight, until tonight Cora." he smirks. 

"Nice boy!" He says. 


Cora's P.O.V-

I reach home and prepare for the night ahead, maybe Hunter will profess his love for me, maybe I will have my first kiss with the guy I've liked for nearly 13 years! Being next door neighbours, our parents always encouraged us to be friends and to talk to each other, I think it's because my dad and Ronnie get on so well. Ronnie was there for my dad when my mum died, during my birth. And Hunter's dad, Sean, when to jail when Ronnie found put she was pregnant , he almost killed another pregnant woman, just because he didn't want commitment, he couldn't have just left, he had to hurt another two innocent humans. Hunter has always told me he wanted a loving relationship, to this day he's never been in a relationship.

At 6:30, we walk over to Hunter's house, and my dad pulls out a key... I stop and stare, he says "In case of emergencies." 


We sit down at the table, Hunter is sat next to me, he places his hand on my thigh, he pulls away, "Sorry." he whimpers. I pull it back, he moans, but bites his lip to hold it in. 

"We have an announcement!" Ronnie squeals. 

"So, we wanted to tell you all that..." 

"We're moving in together!" They shout together. 

Hunter squeezes my leg, and we just sigh in disbelief. 

"You two have to get along, but I've always wanted a daughter!" Ronnie shouts. 

Hunter's younger brother Theo, comes downstairs and runs with excitement into my dad's arms. 

"It's gonna be a long night!" Hunter whispers. 

"I know." I say sadly. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2016 ⏰

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