The question keeps revolving around my head. "What is beyond the Online World?". It has been 3 days already. It's currently 2:30 am, and I just not seem to put my mind to rest. This question has been bothering ever since my community website became one of the biggest trends. I talked to my mom and she thought nothing of it. She thought it was no big deal. She dosen't understand. It is just something personal,I guess. So if my mom does not want to help me... I guess I will just consult my friend,Ryann. She has been my friend since Gr. 2. Surely she will understand. Right? Right! I really do not know. Oh well. Better than nothing. I took a taxi on the way to her house. But on the way I saw a billboard advertising my website! WTF! Calm down gurl. Shortly after I arrived at Ryann's dorm. She is still currently in our local university studying. I forgot her the type of course she was taking. What a great friend I am. Tottaly trustworthy. Any ways before I even stepped foot in her dorm (Yes,Ryann is a she.) I was really not sure. I had second thoughts. But I was allready here. So it was now or never. I lightly knocked on her door. It slowly opened, I causualy walked in and all the thinking I went through only to find out she was not there. She left a little note to."Hey,sorry if you needed to see me. I am on a family outing so... Sorry."
Oh well no pain no gain. I check my watch to see the time. Oh crap. It's only 3:10 am.
Sorry for not updating. It was my b-day so I was really busy.(It was tecnically on the 28th of April.) I also had low internet connection. And I am also moving in to a new place. So I have a real packed scedule. I will try to upload when I can. Thank you.😙

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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