We Are The Crystal Gems

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"If you're evil and you're on the rise, you can count on the four of us taking you down~"
The Russian practically groaned in agony and gave an annoyed look around the room.
There was already enough annoyance coming from everyone in the room, who were, as usual, screaming at each other. He didn't need to hear his soulmate sing that song.
Now, don't get Ivan wrong, he loved the voice in his head to death. The sound of it was amazing, at least to him, and the effort put into every word of the song was adorable.
He just hates that goddamn show. It was so annoying.
But, of course, his soulmate seemed to love it.
She sang it all the damn time.
"Because we're good and evil never beats us
We'll win the fight and then go out for pizzas."
He wondered why she chose to sing this song today.
What was going through her head?
Was she bored?
Was she watching the show?
Who knows, not him.
He wish he did though.
He wished he could see the smile she probably had while singing.
The excitement she had while she let the words flow from her mouth.
He wished he could touch you, hold you, listen to her singing without having to block out the voices around him.
He wishes that she was there with him.
"We are the Crystal Gems, we'll always save the day, and if you think we can't, we'll always find a way."
The beautiful voice filled his head once more.
It always paused, almost as if it was expecting him to sing along.
Maybe she was expecting him to sing along.
He felt just a little bad if that was the case.
She would always wait, and then she would sing again.
"That's why the people of this world-"
He stopped singing as soon as he realized he was doing it.
Luckily, the chaos of the world meeting prevented anyone, especially that American, from hearing him.
"Believe in Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl and Steven."
Te singing stopped and he secretly hoped it would continue, but it didn't.
It appeared that his soulmate was done singing for the time being.
It was honestly a shame to him.
As much as he disliked the show, his soulmate's voice brought him such joy, although he would never admit that to anyone but his soulmate.
As he was sitting down, he started whispering a Russian lullaby, hoping his soulmate could hear it, even if she couldn't understand it.
Unknown to him, his elder sister, Ukraine, had heard him sing the lyrics to the cartoon intro and was now listening to him sing the lullaby with a smile on her face.
She knew this person would be perfect for her dear little brother, although she knew he hated the show.
But she wasn't the only one smiling.
A small framed girl, no older than nineteen, no younger than sixteen, sat in an alleyway, wrapping herself up in her warm coat as the sweet words of the Russian lullaby led her to a peaceful sleep.

We Are The Crystal Gems (Russia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now