Unpredictably Inlove

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Love is unpredictable. You don't know what's going to happen next.

Love is sacrifice.

Love is giving your best to the person who deserves you.

Love is patience. It takes time for you to get find the right one.

Love is faithful.

Love is sacrifice.

And most of all love can give us the feeling that we can't have if you don't have it.

Chapter 1 

Tracey's POV

Living far from home is kinda hard for anyone but yaeh we need to deal with it. As for me, few months ago I need to settle by myself because my hometown is kinda far from here, wherein I work. It's hard to adjust with these kind of environment I mean, new faces,work and all. But good for me I managed to have a new friend here as soon as possible. She lives nextdoor and she works in the same office as mine as of course an accountant too. Her name is Stella and she is becoming 30 this year. Yes she is 7 years older than me but she acts like younger than me that's why our age is not an issue at all.

Speaking of Stella, she must be here by now but where the hell did she go? Well I'm waiting her for almost 10 minutes now!

"Tracey! Yoohoo! Over here!

"Oh where the hell did you go your 30 minutes late you know."

"Ha! I know i'm late but not for 30 minutes."

'Whatever you say missy. Now can you tell me where did you go?"

I can feel that Stella hesitates for a moment like she does not like the topic. 

Uh oh, I think I should stop asking and lighten the atmosphere.

"I think we shold order now, you know uh, hungry."

"Yes of course."

And so we did. Have I told you that we're here at a coffee shop? You know, coffee break!

"Uhm, Trace, can I tell you a secret?"

"We just met few months ago but sure you can trust me."

"I know, it's just that maybe you'll make fun of me after know it. Worst is that maybe you won't believe me?"

"Well it depends. Haha! Spill it! I'm getting even more curious now."



"I'm doing! Stop interrupting me." 

"Okay. Go."

Stella take a deep breath, hesitates for a moment and then--"

"I have this what you call side line job and it's being a manager. It is--"

"A what? You mean your working in another company and there your not the accountant but the manager. Oh my gosh how--"

"No, it's not that kind of manager. Mana--"

"What ki--"

"Can you please shut up and let me finish first? "

Okay, this is serious. I can feel it but how come she become a manager  and--

"I am a manager of an a-artist ah no ahm like b-band yes boyband. 4hours. That's the name. They haven't debuted yet that's why you don't know them. But I am working on it so expect their hot debut anytime. So....that's it there you have it!"

I froze for a moment. How come she managed those guys? Oh my how can I handle this? No this is not true. Stella is kidding. NO.

"Hey Tray, any comments?"


"Yes I know your in a state of shockness but WHAT?  What internet? Come on your out of the topic."

"I know them. I saw them on internet."

"Really? I thought those guys were just kidding when they said they're kinda famous on the net--"

"Famous because they are the s-called rival of the 'Stringstwin'. My 'Stringstwin'.


It's been two weeks after the revealing of Stella's secret and all but I still can't get over with it! Yeah seriously I don't know what to do. Added by the fact that today is Stella's birthday, the party would be tonight nextdoor at Stella's unit and i am sure that THE BOYS will be there. Yes when I say the boys its her talents! Of course I should be there too because you know I am the friend and I'm just meters away to decline. There maybe me and the boys  will have the introducing part and stuff and maybe I would be like "A-W-K-W-A-R-D". Meeting my favorite boyband's soon-to-be rival, holy cow this is unbelievable.

Few months ago, there are rumors spreading in the net saying that their will be this new boyband that is better than Stringstwin. Upon hearing it, definitely it hurts because for us fans, no matter what happens Stringstwin will always be the BEST. Later on we're over it and forget that rumor because there is no confirmation. But now,  Stella just confirms that rumor  saying THERE WILL BE AN UPCOMING BOYBAND AND IT TURNES OUT TO BE HIS TALENT. See? As easy as that. Oh my gosh I don't know what to do. I think it would be better if I'm not an avid fan of Stringstwin. Unfortunately, I am there fan since their debut and I have watched all there guestings, TV Shows and bought there albums as well. My room is full of Stringswin posters too. It's also my deep deep secret. No one knows this addiction of mine except my family. Even Stella who already shared her secret to me didn't know this too. I just don't feel of sharing it to others because I know they would just say that it so childish or teeny. I don't know if there's a word like that but who cares. Haha. 

'Tracey are you there?"

Stella is shouting right behind my door.

"Yes I'm hear! You can come in instead of shouting there."

"I'm okay, just reminding you for later---"

'Happy Birthday!"

"What's new I've heard that almost a million times this day. What I'm saying is that you should not forget to come okay?"

"Your too full! Million? Pfft. Haha. But yes you can't count me in for tonight. Hello. we're neighbors!"

"And friends"

"Of course I know I know. So see you tonight?"

"Sure thing! Okay thank you Tray! GTG."

See? I should really come tonight. I'm a VIP. Stella now trusts me with she-being-a-manger-thingy but as for my secret, she knows nothing and it makes me guilty. I think I should tell her later. Wow, what a birthday surprise for her.

I'm all set and done. Now I'm ready to face-- wait, who said I'm ready? No I'm definitely not. I'm now here standing outside Stella's unit, holding the doorknoob but still not opening the door. Hello I'm like an idiot here but sorry I just can't contain myself. I suppose the boys are there now. How should I face them?  Should I greet them naturally?  What if they sense tha I don't like them? Would they curse me to death? Oh what to do what to do. Releasing my hand, I brush my hair harshly using my two hands, now I don't know what my hairdo looks like. Placing my hand back again to the doorknob, oh god I think I can't do this. Freeing my hand again, I--

"Are you coming in or not?!"

An angry voice comes from the left side  of my ear, when I turn around to face him holy doorknob! My jaw almost drop into the floor! Who is this guy and why is he so handsome? He is so masculine and attractive. It seems like he has eveything. He is perfect.

"Are you a deaf or you are just so dumb? Now I'm asking you are coming in or not because you are blocking my way."

He said irritatedly. Did I say that he is perfe-- no HE.IS.NOT. Yes he got the looks and all but he doesn't have any manners at all! A simple excuse me will do than saying that you are a deaf or numb. Okay, turn off alert.

Without looking back nor saying anything, I hold the doorknob then get inside Stella's unit as soon as possible.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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