How can I help?

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This is about a girl whose friend has an eating disorder. This is what the girl goes through seeing her friend wasting away and feeling hopeless.

You watch them waste away,

Right in front of your eyes.

You feel hopeless.

How can you help?

What if I say something?

Will that just make it worse?

It's got really bad.

They need help.

You think they would have told you by now.

They sit you down.

They have told you.

Said those five words.

You realise your fears have been confirmed.

No more guess work.

You know now.

You are terrified for them.

You know the statics,

The numbers,

The figures.

They are now looking at you.

Tears threatening to fall.

You are in shock.

That voice in your head.

It's right.

You have never felt so helpless.

What can you do?

How can you help?


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