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I need a distraction from my life so I turn to writing... Since I can't draw because it's 2 in the morning and my sisters "need" to sleep.

Nick: Hello again beautiful 7:59pm

Nick: Hey Beautiful 8:03pm

Nick: Are you there Beautiful? 8:11pm

Nick: Beautiful? 8:18pm

*Nick stares at phone*

*types another text*

*is about to hit send when she replies*

Delilah: Oh no it's you 8:23pm

Nick: Wow I didn't think you were going to respond and especially not like that 8:25pm

Delilah: Well I only responded cuz I figured you'd blow up my phone if I didn't 8:29pm

Nick: Well it's the only way to get you to answer Beautiful 8:30pm

*Delilah blushes once more*

*almost slaps herself for blushing because of some stranger*

Delilah: I'm not beautiful you idiot 8:36pm

Nick: You are extremely 8:36pm

Delilah: You don't know what I look like 8:38pm

Nick: That is true 8:41pm

Nick: But from the little bit of your personality that I have been fortunate enough to witness 8:42pm

Nick: You are beautiful 8:42pm

Nick: For beauty doesn't come from only the outside 8:43pm

Nick: It comes from the inside as well 8:43pm

Nick: Mostly the inside actually 8:43pm

Delilah: :/ 8:47pm

Nick: :) 8:48pm

Delilah: Still not beautiful 8:51pm

Nick: Still I beg to differ 8:52pm

Notice anything about the two? Like how she takes long to reply while he takes only seconds unless he's thinking? Keep that in mind. And pay attention to details like that. Trust me. It'll get better. But just, they have to get to know one another first.

Nick & DelilahWhere stories live. Discover now