I dont want to go...

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Rose: ok who is on?

River: me

Rose: anyone else?

River: no.

Rose: so who are you?

River: spoilers.

Rose: -_-

Rose: I'm the doctors girlfriend.

River: I'm his future wife.

Rose: what happened to me?

River: spoilers.

Rose: well I've seen things you couldn't imagine. Lol I had this chat with Sarah.

River: Sarah? Ok shadows that eat people.

Doctor donna is online

Rose: manikins killing people

River: living statues

Rose: the earth explode

River: our wedding then that universe explode

Doctor Donna: big deal I saw the creation of the earth and the doctor naked. Ps I don't like the doctor the way you guys do.

River: -_-

Rose: -_-

Doctor Donna: just saying.

10: didn't I wipe your memories

Doctor Donna: the master helped me remember.

10: you're going to burn up and forget again I programmed it like that.

Amy is online

Doctor Donna is offline

Rory is online

10: I don't want to go

I just regenerated

10 changed his name to eleven

I'm a girl

Rose: -_- I hate you doctor leaving me out of the fight, you know what stuff you I'm going to absorb the time vortex.

Eleven: uh don't do that

Rose changed her name to bad wolf

11 is online

Bad wolf: I create myself, I take the words and scatter them through time and space a message to lead me here.

Eleven: you shouldn't of done that

Bad wolf: my head its killing me

Amy: do something doctor

Eleven: I am or was kissing her she won't remember but still I'm taking the vortex into me so it kills me instead.

Rory: that made no sense

11: it made perfect sense

Bad wolf changed their name to Rose Tyler

9 changed his name to 10

Rose: can you change back?

10: do you want me to?

Rose: yes

10: well I can't.

Rose: -_-


11: merry Christmas me. Haha sicorax.

Rose: whats a sicorax? and the doctor is out cold what do I do?

Rose added jackie Tyler to the conversation

Jackie: well first get off here and help me get him to the apartment

Rose: -_-

Amy: what happened to the doctor?

Rose: I don't know. All I remember was going to save him then he wasn't there instead stood this one.

River: regeneration. Oo how fun.

Rose: so what happened you seen to know

River: his body was dying so he regenerated basically he changed his appearance and personality to stay alive.

Amy: how man regenerations are there?

Oswin is online

Oswin: the doctor you know is the eleventh but I've met them all including 12.

Oswin is offline

11: oswin the soufflé girl?

Jackie: the doctor has two hearts.

Rose: no shit mum

Amy: yep he has two hearts and twelve regenerations

River: I want to regenerate again its fun.

Amy: still not used to that. And no you can't regenerate again

Jack is online

11 added sexy to the conversation

Sexy: hi

11: hi sexy

River: -_-

Rose: -__-

Amy: -___-

Rory: -____-

Jack: HEY

11: no just no

Jack: I was just saying hi to sexy

11: only I call her sexy.

River: who is 'sexy' sweetie

Rose: yeah explain spaceboy

11: don't call me space boy

Rory: um the angels are back

Amy: so the angels didn't die?

11: guess not.

Rory: so what do we do now?

River: I know what's going to happen, the last chapter of my book. ;)

11: No

11: Noooooooooooooo. I give up I'm not saving anymore people

11 is offline

Amy pond is offline

Rory Williams is offline.

Jackie: so how does this work?

Rose: it's an online conversation echoing through time and space.

Jackie: how does that work?

Eleven: wibbly wobbly timey wimey.

Eleven: Hey I just met a kid named Amelia an I'm going to take he through time and space

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