A Fate Foretold 8

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             Kate and her companions caused a great deal more disruption in the house while settling in than Ally had. Every corridor seemed to house one of their suitcases, even though they never seemed to cease unpacking. Clarice wandered around the house a bit disgruntled at the disturbance created in her usually well-ordered domain. On the whole though, the newcomers were heartily welcomed as a distraction from the usual monotony of secluded life up north, in a way that Ally had not been welcomed. She knew that her position had made the pack unit feel awkward.

           Regular business was suspended as everyone pitched in to help with preparations for the wedding. It was to be held in a large clearing about a mile into the forest. It was not a far run for a wolf, and luckily a werewolf ceremony did not require many props or adornments. Enormous containers of food, prepared in the house, and cases of wine were slowly hauled out to the clearing the day before, for the party afterwards.

            Ally, not allowed out of the house without a guard, remained indoors cooking and weaving flowers together as decoration. She would not be attending the wedding either, both for Kate’s sake, and to keep her out of sight of the numerous guests. Christian had looked at her apologetically when he broke the news, but Ally accepted it without dispute, much to Christian’s admiration.

           Guests began arriving for the wedding, including George Sullivan and his wife, who were the only guests staying in pack headquarters. Others would be dispersed among the houses of werewolves living in the area, who were happy to offer hospitality in exchange for an invitation to the future alpha’s wedding. Sensitive information was housed in headquarters, including the first nat amatra in a century.

           George Sullivan knew how to be charming, and he was well aware of his duty, and so paid all the necessary respects to Kate. But he was also a victim of the egotism one might imagine would afflict the alpha of the largest pack in the Americas. While the Hawkins family was politically important, Kate herself was not, unpredictable as she was. Ally, on the other hand, in the position of nat amatra, could be volatile. George Sullivan had sent her here without much of an interview, and his background checks on her had brought up nothing at all. So he paid particular attention to the girl, a fact noticed and resented by Kate.

            Ally had also noticed his attention and Kate’s bitterness. She couldn’t believe how foolish alphas could be, wrapped up in their concerns without noticing their implications. All she could do was endeavor to keep out of the way as much as possible, and not draw attention to herself. George Sullivan would have better things to think about, like looking over the work that the pack unit was doing.

            Sure enough, there was plenty for the alpha to do, such as looking over the guest list and ensuring that the sensitivities of any politically important guests were not hurt. His role of host would be crucial. Activities and gifts had been arranged for the guests, along with special considerations for the Hawkins family.

            At hearing of plans for the aftermath of the wedding, Christian pulled his father aside to have a word. “Honeymoon? Why the hell are we having a honeymoon?”

            George Sullivan surveyed him disapprovingly. “You’re newlyweds. You’re supposed to have a honeymoon. Kate wants it. You’re to make her happy and by extension the rest of the Hawkins family.”

            “Yes, but – “ Christian floundered. “Newlyweds don’t do much but have sex on their honeymoon. We’re going to be stuck in a remote cabin for a week with nothing to do!”

            “You were stuck in a remote cabin with Ally for a week. That went fine.”

            “Yes, because we were having sex!” Christian inadvertently revealed in his frustration.

A Fate Foretold (formerly: A World Gone Mad)Where stories live. Discover now