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"7:00 PM? Right on time" You and your boyfriend both arranged a night out together, agreeing that a simple date by the side of Han River on a Saturday night would be perfect. The whole week, he wouldn't stop reminding you about it, which you thought was sweet but a tad bit irritating. He can be annoying at times but, you love him nevertheless.

It was cold that night. As much as you like cold weather, it was too cold than you expected it to be. You silently cursed at yourself for not bringing your gloves and an extra pair of hot packs. You took the only pair you have and you shook it a bit and used it to on your freezing hands.

While you were standing there, there was a man walking towards you. You were starting to feel scared but it instantly vanished once you saw the color of the hair the man has. 'I'd recognize that hair color anywhere'

"Taetae!" The vibrantly red haired man jogged towards you. He was bringing something. 'A skateboard?' you thought to yourself. "Y/N" He put down what he was holding and immediately threw his arms around you, locking you in for a tight hug. He looked at you and grinned. "I missed you" He kissed your forehead "I missed you too" You two rarely get to go on dates like this. He was busy with his work. You were busy studying for college. Yet, you two make it work but, with consequences, like not getting to see each other often. That's why you cherish every minute, every second you are together.

"Uh, Tae, why are you bringing a skateboard?" you eyed the thing on the floor. He picked it up and did a weird little pose with it and was full on grinning. "Ta-dah! I'm going to teach you how to ride one! I figured our date would be more fun like this" How can you say no to the sight in front of you? With him being all cute like this, it would be very hard to say you don't want to. "Well" you shrugged "This should be interesting."

It was already 40 minutes after he started teaching you how to balance on it. You still couldn't get the hang of it. When he tried to show you how, you were amazed how easy it looks. Despite you having a hard time learning, you two were having a good time. He was laughing all the time because of how 'your face looks when you're about to fall' according to him.

"I did it!" Finally, you got on the skateboard without his help. Now, the only problem is, how do you go forward? He clapped. "I'll push you then I'll let go okay?" And off you went. You were desperately holding on to him in fear of losing your balance.

"I'll let go now okay?" Once he was planning to let go, a small rock blocked the board's path. You screamed at once and felt like you were going to fall, so you closed your eyes waiting for the impact to arrive. But, you never felt it. You opened your eyes and saw Taehyung holding you, looking shocked and concerned. He managed to catch you before you fell. "Y/N, are you alright?" You couldn't say anything. You laughed. "Oh my gosh, again!" He breathed a sigh of relief and laughed too. "I think that's enough, yeah?"

You were now sitting on a bench looking at the beautiful view right in front of you which is the sight of Han River. You two bought a cup of hot choco with Taehyung demanding that he gets to have extra cream. "I swear, how old are you again? I think I might be dating a child"

"Y/N, I was thinking" You hummed. "What if I quit my job and moved in with you?" You stared at him and noticed that there was cream on his nose. "Ta-"

"It's so that we could be together more! I miss you. You know that? I can't help but think about you all the time. I want to spend more time with you. Video calls aren't the same as being with you in person." He was full on explaining. You couldn't take him seriously with cream on his nose. "Taetae, I know bu-"

"Don't you miss me? Don't you want to be with me?" He looked so adorable. "Babe, I-"

"Are you okay with just video calls? You don't want to see me? Don't you want to spend time with me? Don't you lov-"

"KIM TAEHYUNG." He immediately stopped talking and stared at you wide-eyed. "First of all," You wiped the cream off of his nose. "There. Now, I know this is hard. With us spending time together being limited and all that, but, I know you love your job. Like, really love it. Don't throw it away because of me. I'm sure in the future, this will get easier. So baby, please. Don't quit."

Sighing, he looked down. You cupped his face and lifted it up. "What matters is we both love each other. We are going to make this work like we always do and this will get easier. Okay?" He held your hands and smiled. "Okay"

You two decided it was time to go, so now, he was walking you home, holding your hand tightly. "You looked pretty cute earlier with cream on your nose. You didn't even notice it while you were busy being emotional and serious." You laughed 'To think he would be willing to quit his job for me'

"It's because I love you" He hummed. 'Shoot, did I say that out loud?' You felt embarrassed. "Yes, yes you did" You blushed and looked down trying to hide your face that is now red as a tomato. He laughed. "I can't help but remember how funny your face looked earlier, you know, during the skateboard thing?" You glared at him. "I did not look funny. How do you even describe a face that looks funny?" "Like this" And he pulled off the most amusing face you have ever seen.

"I did not look like that"

"Yes you did"

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Did not"

"Did too"

"Did not"

"Did too, and you were shouting all the time, telling me over and over and over again to not let go. It was so funny" He was laughing out loud, barely being able to breathe. You shot him a look but he still won't stop laughing.

"Ugh, I hate you Kim Taehyung."

"Yeah babe, love you too."

Author's note

Hey, I'm back.

Hope you like it.

Encouraging readers to comment!

I take requests.

I posted this on my blog at tumblr and on wattpad. (Read my "Personal Message")

Until next time.

See you

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