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Emi's P.O.V 
        I shut the door quietly behind me and turned around to face Kaname.  He was sitting in his cushioned loveseat.  He patted the area next to him and i walked towards him and sat down.  There was a moment of silence and it just felt awkward.  I sit quietly with him like this all the time but since that thing happened with Yuki and Aidou i think im in trouble.  Kaname shifted positions and he now had his head rested on his hand.  My hands were awkwardly on my knees, my arm stretched out.  "  Emi, did you react in any way to Yuki's blood?"  He asked breaking the silence.  I let my bangs cover my eyes.  "Yes Kaname."  He looked at me.  "Did you consider attacking her, Emi?"  I thought about.  I thought that she smelled good but i didnt want to attack her.  "No Kaname.  I did not"  I replied still covering my eyes with my bangs.  There was another moment of silence.  "  Thank you."  I brought my head up.  "For what, may i ask?"  He tilted his head and smiled kindly, that smile that i so loved.  "I know you have never tasted blood.  It must have been hard to be around her smell.  Im sorry Emi."  He finished frowning.  I looked away from him trying to realize this.  He was right after all, i never once got the chance to taste real blood and her scent turned my instincts on.  Luckilly i have more self control, being a pureblood and all.  My eyes began to turn red at the thought of her blood, but i quickly blinked them away before Kaname could notice.  I turned to him and touched his arm.  "  Dont be, Kaname.  Its my instinct.  I prefer going through that instead of biting her.  I cant bear the guilt."  I said.  He looked at me.  "Kaname can i admit something?"  I asked.  He kept a straight face but nodded.  "Ive never felt the thirst for blood.  Until i smelt her bloods scent.  Kaname, it doesnt feel good."   I frowned and looked up at him with sad eyes.  His expression  changed to understanding.   He placed a hand on my cheek and brought his lips near my ear.  "Emi take my blood.  In return you must always stay by my side."  He whispered.  My eyes  glowed red.  By Kanames side for all eternity.  That sounds nice.  I brought my lips to his neck until he could feel my breath on his skin.  Should i really do this?.  "Dont hesitate,  Drink all you want my dear Emi."   He soothed stroking my hair.  I pierced my  fangs slowly into his neck and his sweet blood filled my mouth.  I could feel a drop run down his neck, but aside from that it felt as if we were the only to people o earth right now.  His blood tasted so pure, full of good intentions and kindness.  I gulped my last desire and pulled away.  a drop of blood making its way down my chin as i licked away the remaining blood from his neck.  His wound healed instantly.  I pulled away enough to look at him.  He had a smile on his lips and his arms wrapped around my waist.  "Better?"  He asked my eyes returned to normal.  "Much.  Thank you, Kaname"  I said.  He pulled me closer and we laid down on the loveseat, me on top of his chest.  I listened to his heartbeat.  It was faint but still there.  "Your welcome.   Your mine now, emi.  Forever. "  He said.  I was beginning  to drowse off before i came to a realization.  I have made our promise from so many years ago official.  I drank his blood sealing the promise, to remain by his side for all eternity.  I smiled and fell into a deep sleep.

*Kaname's P.O.V*
I cant shake off the feeling that Zero will take Yuki away from me.  I cant stand the thought of being alone.  "Kaname can i admit something?"  Emi continued.  I kept a straight face just in case she was deciding that she was leaving.  I feared that day.    "Ive never felt the thirst for blood.  Until i smelt her bloods scent.  Kaname, it doesnt feel good."   she said.  My expression changed to understanding. I know how she fells the thirst is unbearable.   I loved her.  I loved Yuki too, but Emi was something else.  She understood me.  Supports me.  Shes always been by my side.  I placed a hand on her cheek and leaned in until my lips were right next to her ear.  "Emi take my blood.  In return you must always stay by my side."   I love you i added in my thoughts.     By now i knew her eyes  were red with thirst.  She held on to my shoulders and leaned in taking the scent of my skin.  She hesitated and didnt move."Dont hesitate,  Drink all you want my dear Emi."  I said stroking her hair.  Sh made her decision and i felt her fangs slowly pierce my skin.  I snaked my arms around her waist as she gulped away at my blood.  After a few minutes, she licked away the remaining blod from my neck and wiped away the streaming blood from her chin.  I smiled.  "Better?"  Her eyes returned to their normal vibrant blue color.  "Much.  Thank you Kaname."  I pulled her close and bgan to lay down until she was on top of my chest on the loveseat.   She laid her head on my chest listening intently to my heartbeat."Your welcome.   Your mine now, emi.  Forever. "   she sealed the promise we made 12 years ago by drinking my blood.  Your now forever mine...  i thought as she fell asleep.

My Pureblood, My Love *Kaname Kuran Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now