Just Passing Through - Bad Spirits Part 5

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Sunlight streamed through the curtains and my eyelids snapped open. At first unsure where I was, I remembered and sat up, glancing at the clock on the dresser. Eight thirty. Just enough time to have breakfast and walk to the bank. I hated doing the transfer in daylight, but didn't have a choice.

I brushed my teeth with my finger and some toothpaste I found in the medicine cabinet and washed my face. Then I went out to the kitchen to see if I could get some coffee before I left.

Lana stood at the stove, frying eggs and bacon, talking to a dark haired man sitting at the table. Instinctively, I stiffened. The less people I encountered, the better. Lana turned at the abrupt pause in conversation and broke into a wide smile.

"You're just in time for breakfast. Jorge dropped by this morning and offered to give you a lift into town." She pointed her fork at me. "Kate, Jorge. Jorge, this is Kate."

"Mucho gusto." Jorge bowed his head, a charming smile on his face. My shoulders released a fraction. He seemed like a nice guy. Salazar's men couldn't have found me so soon. No one knew where I was headed.

We ate breakfast and drank coffee, making small talk. Soon, it was time to go. Jorge held out his hand to take the backpack.

"Thanks, Jorge, but it's not that heavy." He looked slightly offended, but shrugged as we walked out to his pickup.

We drove to town in silence, which was fine by me. I hadn't slept much the night before, having jolted awake with every sound, and didn't want to make the effort at more small talk.

Jorge pulled up to the curb near the bank and I thanked him and got out. I could feel him watch me walk through the bank's doors. The teller at the window smiled and motioned for me to come to her window. I'd already separated $7,500 from the rest of the money in the pack, and reached into the front pocket where I'd stashed the bundle.

"I'd like to make a wire transfer to my sister in Minnesota, please."

As I filled out the paperwork, I resisted the urge to look behind me. I handed the forms back to the teller and smiled. Tiny rivers of sweat ran down my back and under my arms, and beads of perspiration formed on my upper lip. Maybe wiring money to my sister wasn't such a good idea. It left me exposed in public for too long. The game had changed—my penchant for acting on the first idea that popped into my head could now get me killed. I thought about grabbing the money off the counter and leaving, but stopped short as I realized the transaction was almost complete.

Something hard pressed into my back. I started to turn around to see what it was, and stopped cold at the familiar voice.

"Eyes forward, bitch."

A cold wave of dread washed through me. Frank Lanzarotti. Apparently Salazar wasn't the only one looking for the money.

I stared straight ahead and forced a smile when the teller handed me my receipt and told me to have a nice day.


"Turn around, real slow. We're gonna walk out that door together with a smile on our faces, got it?"

I nodded and we moved toward the door, Frank's arm firmly around my waist.

As we neared the entrance, the guard smiled at us. I stopped and turned toward Frank.

"Oh, honey, I forgot to pee," I whispered, loud enough that the guard blushed and turned his head. Frank stiffened and his hand clamped down on my waist, hard.

"What the fuck are you doing?" he hissed into my ear.

With no small effort, I pulled away from him and playfully patted his arm. "Oh, don't be such a silly, sweetheart. We have plenty of time." I turned to the guard who was looking at everything except the two of us. "Sir, could you tell me where the ladies bathroom is, please?"

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