Part 28

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Morgan's POV
Una wanted to go on an adventure, if we brought Rose. Una and I went to Greg's office while she sang Ghost busters all the way there. How does she even know that song? When we got there I knocked on the door. Greg opened it and I saw Cole behind him with a confused look.
" hello how can I help you" he asked in an annoyed tone.
" hello I'm Morgan Garcia a friend of Cleo McCathy who you have locked in your apartment." I said normally and Cole shot me a warning look.
" what how do you know that." He asked and I smiled.
" oh I know a lot of things, I also know that you hit her and so does your other wife. You see I live next door and can hear everything. One look at her marks and I inferred the rest."
I lie but Greg accepted that.
" So what do you want Ms. Garcia." He snarled and I realized that I had him trapped. Even Cole liked impressed.
" I think that Cleo should be aloud visitors, only me Dr. Cassidy and her children though. See it's a win win deal, I get to see Cleo and you don't have her secret spread around. Dr. Cassidy already knows as you know and her children are to small to notice anything." I finished of and he seemed to be considering the pros and cons.
" fine but she stays in her room and only Victoria can let her guests it?" He asked and I was smiling ear to ear.
" yes can I see her now please." I begged and he went to his desk. He wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to me.
" give this to Victoria" he said then shut the door in my face. Una was so excited that she would be seeing Cleo that she literally ran the whole way to there. I had a hard time keeping up holding rose and the fact that the babies decided to start kicking. They kicked a lot and hard to and that led me to think that they were boys. Maybe not though I could have a very tom boyish girl. When we finally got there I was out of breath. Una knocked on the door repeatedly until a woman who must have been Victoria answered.
" yes little girl what do you want." She asked and I can see why Greg likes her, they were both basically evil people.
" I'm here to see Cleo." Una giggled and the woman rolled her eyes.
" you can't see her." She said but I walked in anyway with Una handing her the note. I opened the door to Cleo staring at an Ultrasound picture. As soon as she saw the door open she hid it.
" Morgan what are you doing here" she cried out and ran up and hugged me. She was also 3 months pregnant but didn't look the same as me. Her stomach was not as big as mine and my was lower while her was higher. This difference was nothing compared to me and Ashley who had the tiniest stomach of all of us. We probably where all having different genders.
" I convinced Greg to let you have a few victors." I squealed and Una tackled her in a hug.
" does that mean I can come over here everyday." Una asked begging.
" you would have to ask your mom but probably yes." Cleo said tearing up. Una was thrilled and so was Cleo, I have to say I did a pretty good job didn't I.

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