"'Cause you know I got somebody so I can't fuck with just anybody, but sometimes I get lonely. I get lonely."
In which Zayn realizes he's in love with Devlyn, but it may be too late.
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"She can't know."
"Know what?" Devlyn grins impishly and takes a sip of her champagne. Zayn's face is woeful, full of exasperation and nervousness. This makes her suck her teeth. "That we fuck?"
His little girlfriend was late, but of course all he was worried about was covering his ass. Typical Zayn.
"Don't worry, I won't disclose our little secret." She tells him. "For now."
Devlyn watches Zayn glance at his watch, running an impatient hand through his quiff. "Be back, gonna go for a smoke break." He mumbles, and before she can say much else he was on his way out.
"He always did like girls that made him chase." She grins, swirling the strawberry around in her champagne glass.