ii. visibility

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Devlyn never actually met Zayn's girlfriend in person. This didn't mean that she wasn't a real person with a real heart, and feelings, not at all. It made it a lot easier for Devlyn to sleep with him without conscience. It was very apparent to her that Zayn wouldn't just readily leave his long-time girlfriend for an office fling. It also hurt her a lot.

This girlfriend's invisibility made it more possible for Devlyn's heart to feel like she was a figment of Zayn's imagination. Or so she had hoped.

She heard her name was Theresa, and that she was older, and white of course. Devlyn would be lying if she said that she didn't feel deep down inside that Zayn wouldn't commit, because she was black. Frankly, hearing this took her straight back to her middle school and high school days where she was overlooked by boys for being black.

She'd be lying if she said that the feeling of insecurity, and pure disgust didn't knot in the pit of her stomach like it did when she was fifteen. She knew that he had dated black women before, so she never brought it up to him. There were some things that Zayn could never understand; one of them being the feeling of being a black woman.

So here she was, a glass of pinot grigio in one hand and her Swarovski crystal encrusted clutch in the other. It was the annual charity event at Lexicorp Enterprises. By the time it hit eight o'clock the balls of her feet hurt, she had spoken to dozens of creepy old men older than dirt, and Zayn and his fiancee were still nowhere to be found.

It was only when she limped back up to her office to massage her swollen, inflamed ankles that she had heard from Zayn.

IMessage: Zayn Malik (1)

Devlyn sighed, plucking her vibrating phone from her clutch. The text read:

Dev, we're going to be a little late. Sorry.

Devlyn's nimble fingers angrily dashed across the keyboard, her perfectly arched eyebrows dipping down into a frown. Zayn had gotten her upset many times before, but never like he has today. This was the cherry on top of the cake.

You and your gf are already an hour and a half late! 

How much more late could ya'll possibly be? Jesus. . .


I said I was sorry. I'll make it up to you? (; x

Ugh, don't even. This event is important, nothing

you do can make up for leaving me high & dry.


I never leave you dry. Take that back.

Zayn, I'm fucking serious! You're the COO of this

company. Get your ass here stat or a swear to God...


I'm dying to see what you'll do if I don't. . .

Devlyn scoffed. How did Zayn still find the time to be so fucking arrogant and cocky? Normally, this would turn her on, but the whole day had drained her. She still couldn't forget what transpired between them earlier that day. Her phone buzzed again.

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