Chapter 1: Friends

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Six figures stood silently around a large door. It was tightly shut and made of thick iron, and there was a keyhole on its brass knob. The six appeared to be in a fancy or elegant place, with maroon walls with small delicate patterns and a darker-reddish brown carpet.

"This is it, huh?" One of the figures said, a brown fluffy creature with a suit and read tie.

"Yeah." Another replied blankly, a boy with light brown hair and a blue spacesuit.

There was silence.

"We'll never forget the others, right?" A boy with shockingly yellow hair asked suddenly.

"Of course not!" Someone in a batman suit exclaimed. "If we're gonna fight for hope out there, we have to remember those that died to help us get here!"

The one with the yellow hair nodded.

A boy with dark brown hair and chunky glasses cautiously put a key into the keyhole of the door, but didn't turn it.

"We'll just have to stick together," A blue, fish-like creature in a suit said. "Maybe find the place Ty was working for. There has to be an organization, right?"

The boy with the glasses nodded. "No matter what happens, we won't fall to despair again."

Upon saying that, he turned the key. Everyone watched as he cautiously reached for the knob, but as soon as he touched its shiny brass surface he gasped in pain and fell to his knees, clutching his head.


I jolted awake, tense and breathing heavily. That was a weird dream... why did it spook me so much? I was about to close my eyes again and fall back asleep when I noticed something odd. I was staring up at a cloudless blue sky, the sun glaring down on me. I was laying on something flat, and moving my hands around I realized it was grass. There was someone standing next to me, staring down at me... I couldn't identify them with the sun in my face.

"Hey," the mystery person said softly. I recognized the voice as that of a girl's.

"Are you okay?" She asked again, and prodded me curiously. "...Can you hear me?"

I blinked, snapping out of my strange trance. "Um, yeah," I replied, and was surprised at how hoarse it sounded, like I hadn't spoken in a while...

The girl reached out her hand, and after a moment I realized she was offering to help me up. I hesitantly took it, and got to my feet with her help.

"Are you sure you're fine?" The girl asked concernedly as I stumbled slightly upon standing. How long had I been asleep?

"Um, yeah, I think so," I replied, unsure. My voice sounded clearer now that I was talking again. The girl gave a small grin.

"What's your name?" She had long, light brown hair in side bangs with a black and bright blue headset worn over it. She had matching bright blue eyes and wore the British flag on a shirt topped with a small black vest. She wore white pants and black boots.

It took me a second to remember my name. "I'm Mango," I told her.

"Mango... I've never heard that name before. I'm Brit!" The girl replied enthusiastically.

I looked around at our surroundings. We were on a grassy field with occasional flowers and trees. A little father away sat a couple of buildings, some closer than others. I turned around and saw with a jolt that about four feet behind me was a cliff.

I jumped back, and Brit gave a chuckle. "Sorry. But that was kind of funny."

I cautiously went back over to the ledge and peeked over. Nothing could be seen below except the light blue of the sky that eventually faded to pitch black.

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