How You Meet

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Luke : You lived on Tatooine with your mother, unfortunately she had been taken slave by the Hutt family so you spent your days working away in your house, helping your mother out. It was on a very rare occasion when you went out to play with your friends, and you always wanted to so badly as you were only 10 years of age, but still knew you had to look after your mum. Your mum came in, very tired as she slopped down into a chair finishing a hard days work, she looked up at her loving child and smiled "Another glorious job you've done Y/N, go and play with your friends." She said with a grin as she held her back. You chirped happily and ran out the door, you knew your mother appreciated your work and wanted to let you go out everyday but she really needed your help. You were running up to where your friends usually hang around but suddenly came to a halt when you heard a noise. "Luke!" it caught your attention as you began walking in the direction of it and came across a small hut. You listened as a woman spoke when loud footsteps followed and a young boy, not much older than you walked outside of the house carrying supplies of some sort.  You walked up to him and smiled "Hi!" You had always loved making new friends. "U-hm hi." "I'm Y/N, what's your name?" You said moving your face unusually close to his. "Luke, Luke Skywalker." "Well it's nice to meet you Luke!"
Once Luke warmed up to you, you both became best friends, seeing each other quite a lot by helping each other with your chores, growing up together more and more and it was soon that the two of you were 16.

Han : You were a pretty skilled rebel fighter that loved finding new adventures, you were pretty mischievous at the least and adored pulling pranks on your good friend Porkins, who was quite the gullible one. You were in your home town, Tatooine on Pirate Island having a drink by yourself in Mos Eisley Cantina. They knew not to mess with you here, well a lot of people did, that was certain. You were disturbed from your drink by someone grabbing your shoulder and sitting next to you. "Excuse me?" You say turning your head and looking up at a very odd looking creature. "You're in my seat." They said with a growl. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize these seats had names on them." You said as you tried to turn round but were stopped by the guy trying to start an argument with you. You stood up and punched the man causing him to hit the ground and the people around to look at you with shocked eyes. "Now if you don't mind, I'll return to my drink." and with that you sat back down enjoying your beverage.
Once you were done you paid the waiter and got up from your seat making you way outside, you walked just passed when you heard an unfamiliar voice. "Good punch missy." You turned round to see a very handsome man lent against the wall with his arms crossed as his eyes focused on you. "Thanks, I try." You said with a smirk. "I could use someone like you on my ship, you in?" you furrowed your eyebrows and looked at him questioning if he was being serious "Ha! And why would I join a scoundrel like you?" you said moving closer to him. "Because, that, over there, is my ship." He said pointing to a massive ship just over from you. "You, you own that? What did you do, steal it?" You said with a smirk "Nope, I won it." He said moving even closer to you. "What do you say?" "Alright, but I expect good pay." And with that you'd joined his crew.

Anakin : Your older brother was Obi-Wan Kenobi and when you'd  heard he'd taken on a padawan, you just had to meet them. Obi always hated when you followed him to the temple but you loved seeing all the awesome Jedi's there, technically Obi wasn't allowed near his family but since you'd have been abandoned with out, you had to live with him. You were never blessed with such amazing powers but did have a few moves that you'd been training yourself, you were a very skilled fighter so could kick Obi's butt when he didn't have his lightsaber,  plus you did have some jedi-reflexes that you never told anyone about. You'd gotten to know many Jedi, Master Windu loved you, he thought you were an amazing little eleven your old. You walked into the temple behind Obi when you saw a new face and ran up to them "Hi! I'm Y/N!" and with that you gave an amazingly huge smile. "Yoda I am, pleasure to meet you it is." you giggled "You're so cool!  Are you a jedi too? I'm Obi's sister!" "Obi told me a lot about you he has, sense the force in you I can." Your eyes widened  "Does that mean... I-I'm a jedi?" "Maybe so young one, speak to the other masters I must." and with that Yoda left. You ran back to where Obi went "OBI! OBI!!" You shouted to your brother. "What is it Y/N?" "I spoke to this cool guy named Yoda and he told me I might be a Jedi!" and then you saw a small figure just behind Obi. "Who's that?" You said interrupting Obi's thoughts. "Oh right! Y/N this is Anakin, my padawan trainee. Anakin this is Y/N my sister." The young boy moved forward and smiled when he saw you. "Are you an angel?" he said looking at you. "What?" You said stepping back. "I heard the deep space pilots talk about them, they're the most beautiful creatures in the universe, they live on the moons of lego, I think." You blushed deeply "No, I'm human, I can assure you." and with that Yoda called you and Obi to the conference room. From that day there was always something that drew you back to Anakin, he treat you like a princess even though he was only 10.

Obi-Wan : You were a 17 year old padawan in training, you started at the age of 7 and Master Windu knew it wasn't long until your training was over. You were just doing some standard tricks, lifting fruit with your mind, well that was until Master Qui Gon Jinn entered, but it stayed in the air as you stayed focus. "Morning Master Windu, I have some business to attend to, if you would be so kind to train my padawan for me today, all will be back to normal tomorrow." He said with a friendly bow that Windu returned. "Of course Qui-Gon, send him in." Qui Gon smiled and motioned for his padawan to enter. A boy just a bit older than you entered who you thought was absolutely gorgeous, you stared at all the features on his face and memorized then, he noticed you and his eyes grew wide as the two masters spoke. Your attention grew to the boy as the orange fell from your gaze and onto the floor making a lot of noise. Your attention, along with everyone else's fell onto the orange "Sorry Master." You said grabbing the orange as your face grew red and the young padawan across from you giggled. "Goodbye Qui Gon." Windu said as he left the room. "Y/N this is Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan, this is Y/F/N." You both bowed at each other and smiled then faced towards the master in front of you. You blushed every time he looked at you, which he did a lot. Windu started telling you what was happening and it turned out he wanted the two of you to battle. You looked at Obi who looked at you with worry, not wanting to hurt you whereas you grinned playfully and grabbed your lightsaber, he grinned back and realized you must have been pretty competitive. The two of you bowed and got your sabers at the ready.
The battle was tough but in the end, you won, Obi was a better fighter than you but you had tactics and used the force to distract him. Windu was proud of you for the events of the day and you started to feel you may be a jedi master soon...

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