0-3 year

2 0 0

You could say that I was definitely an awkward child well hell I still a am both a child and awkward. Thank you mother.

When I was 0. Well my parents did even know what happened they to busy getting me stuff because I am a only child. No but really being a only child can be boring as fuck. Thx Brandon Rogers go watch him.

So when I was let's say... 2 I was on the couch with my dad and we were sharing a bowl of Mac and cheese,(warning to all the people who have a fear of germ skip until till you find the star'*)and he would take a spoon full then I would until I suddenly forgot how to chew (Yep the dumbest thing a child can do).
so while my dad keeped on feeding me because I thought food went on your forehead instead of in your mouth when I was in control. yep took my a while to learn, wait was I a retard, that explain it but back the the story every time the food got close to my mouth I would open.

That probably explain why I am fat thank you Dad, also thank you for the dyslexia really help me fit in. By the end of the bowl my mouth was stuffed with so much macaroni that I looked like I was going to explode.

* now for the chicken who decided to skip hear is one of my 3year old baby story's and if you don't like children a lot then stop reading.

So when I was three I had an imaginary friend named Pluto which is a down side of being an only child. I had Pluto because when I was little I was to weird and boy-ish so when I came over to the girl who wore pretty dresses they would just stare at at me because I wore jean and boy type T-shirt which I can thank my "brother's" for .I put quotes because they where living with us because there mom didn't make a lot of money and we had two guest bedrooms so they moved in and spent all of there time in there room and when my mom didn't want to bother with us she sent us outside which then they taught me to be fear less until they pined me down and put spiders on my which is why I know have a fear of almost every bug/ arachnid. Hell some times I am afraid of butterfly.

Another reason i had Pluto was because my father was in the army so he was always somewhere but home.

This is why I had Pluto. I hope this story made you laugh and get depressed because I know I am. Wait should I seek help no I just write another story every Sunday follow me to see one of my friends 1-3 story's! bye. Thx for reading.

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