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When I was four I had never had chocolate. That mean no Holloween the only time I could have sweets was when it was my birthday.

So one day I saw my dad lay a mother day chocolate box played on the counter I am not one to daring dut I have never had a sweet so I was determined try. So I pulled up my little kitty stole jump for that box. When I finally got it in my hands I ran under the couch and ate I all. So when my dad and mom went to get some it had disappeared but 15 minutes later my dad got my and laughed at me for like a 5 minute period looking stoned face. We also move that say year which was fine with me I had now friend no "brothers" any more. So I was fine in fact I was happy.

At 5 I did a lot of small activities like ballet, cheer leading, sewing, swimming, then there was drawing which to this day I suck at. But my teach at that time let us draw what ever we wanted so I decided to draw...hell yep I drew fire, mountain, people hows body's going through mountain, pitch forks, and alot of others crazy shit. So yep do I even need to go to six I mean you probably have already clicked out by know.

Well for the people how did stay when I was six my dad can back home we had moved again but this time I mad so many friend and to this day it still make me cry when I think of the greatest people I have ever meet. I hope they still remember me.

We moved to kanas were my bad was gone again for a year. Again I was able to make amazing friend my bff mya which then I had to leave to go to another school but we had sleepover every week and playdate evey day. I even went to cheer her on at soccer. I also was great seeing with a girl but l forgot her name she lived in a small home 20 bothers her mom whated another girl so they keeped trying till success. But she would always come to my home. We meet at my first school in Kansas she through a ball at my head on purpose and I was determined to make her like me so we became best friend.

When I moved school I had about 30 friends so alot of the times I would have 4 people at my mouse to have sleepovers.

At all of my schools up till now I was nice to every one and I actually lead one dude on and I was so scared I sad no. To bad though he was really nice he was always around me.

One day at dresses I learned how strong I was on accident and flipped a kid my age who was taller and bigger than me on his ass. I got in trouble.
-----------------------------------------------------------i am to lazy to read it again. So it is not perfect

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