♡ Chapter Eleven ♡

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Stan was kicking the snow at the side of the school building in silence, the only thing accompanying him being his thoughts. He felt he was right for telling Kyle what had been on his mind, for informing the redhead of why he was mad in the first place rather than him thinking it was for nothing. He hadn't gotten a call back, but he didn't expect one either. From then on, he had no Super Best Friend. Stan made sure of that, it was official after the voicemail he had left.

"This sucks," Stan said to himself, narrowing his eyes at the snow and kicking it hard once more. By this point, he had absolutely no one else left to blame.

"No," came a muffled voice. "But I know what does suck," it stated with amusement. Stan turned to face Kenny. "'sup?"

The darker haired teenager glanced to the sky for a split second before looking back to Kenny, whose eyebrows were raised and smile evident in the crinkling of his blue eyes. "What're you doing here?" asked Stan.

Kenny shrugged. "I thought you could use a break from whatever's got you down," he explained. "So how about it? You up for a party this weekend?"

"What?" he raised an eyebrow then shook his head. "If Token's hosting it, no way."

"No, dude, it's the Halloween party that the school does every year," Kenny said. Stan didn't look at all convinced, so Kenny continued. "Come on, man. Just you and me."

"Kyle's not going to be there?" Stan questioned.

Kenny laughed. "When was the last time Kyle went to a party? Especially one held by the school?"

"I.. I guess you're right.." Stan turned away and shrugged. "Sure, I'll go."

"Sweet!" Kenny said, putting out his fist for Stan. His friend complied and they 'bumped knuckles' as the kids like to say. "I'll meet you outside there, then?"

That's when Stan stopped. No doubt Wendy would be there with Token, and he wasn't completely sure that he could do that. "On second thought.. I think I'll skip this time," he said, walking over to the building itself and leaning his back against it.

Kenny frowned at this and slipped his hands into the pockets of his jacket. He was hoping the whole convincing thing would be easier than this, and he had his hopes up when Stan first agreed. Well, nothing comes without a price he supposed. "Did you want to talk about it?" Stan shook his head. "It'll probably make you feel better," continued Kenny.

"No," said Stan. "It won't."

"How would you know?" Kenny asked.

Because, Stan thought to himself, the only one I want to talk about it with is no longer my friend. "I've tried it before. It doesn't work."

"Well," Kenny began. "At least think about it, won't you? I'd hate to go alone."

"What about Cartman? You don't even like school dances," Stan pointed out.

The blonde didn't hesitate to come up with a good enough lie. "There's this really hot chick that's going," he winked and smirked. "Cartman's still unsure of whether or not he wants to go. He said something about there not being anything in it for him."

Stan stared at Kenny skeptically, not knowing whether or not he should believe him. So he simply nodded, "I'll think about it."

"Great, feel free to call me up whenever," responded the blonde. Though it wasn't a definite yes from his friend, Kenny would take anything he was given. The bell rang, so he waved and started walking toward the inside of the building only to stop short. "Oh," Kenny said, turning around to grin at Stan. "And wear a sexy costume," he winked and made his way to class. Stan rolled his eyes.

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"Did you do it?" Eric whispered over to Kenny while they sat in the bus. "Did you convince him?"

"Uh.." Kenny shook his head slowly. "Not exactly."

"What the hell?!" shouted Eric, causing a few people to turn their heads. "You can't even do this simple goddamn job right!"

"Keep it down," Kenny hushed him. "I'm working on it. It was a lot harder than you'd think!"

"Is he still being a girl?" Eric rolled his eyes. Kenny paused before nodding in response. "God, do I have to do every thing myself?!"

Kenny sighed. "Don't worry, he'll come around."

"How do you know?!" frowned Eric.

"Because Ken's smart!" chimed in Butters from behind. They turned around to give the boy a weird look. Butters blushed and turned to look out the window. He was sitting next to Token, who chuckled softly at the kid.

"Shut the fuck up Butters, no one wants your opinion!" Eric stated. Kenny continued to look at the blonde in slight confusion before shaking his head, only for his eyes to meet Token. Kenny narrowed them to form a sort of short glare, knowing he had something to do with whatever happened with Stan and Wendy that resulted in an effect of Kyle and Stan's relationship. Token looked away, knowing full well why he was receiving such a nasty look. "Anyways, before we were RUDELY interrupted by that eavesdropping twat," Eric rolled his eyes.

"It's because I know Stan. Trust me, he'll agree eventually," explained Kenny.

"Yeah well he better," Eric said as the bus came to a stop. The two got up to exit the vehicle, though Eric stopped and turned to Butters. "Stop being an annoying piece of shit and stay out of other people's business, Butters!" he told him for good measure before leaving.

"My bad, fella!" responded Butters with a small smile. "Bye-a, Kenny!" he waved.

"Later, Butters," said the blonde, only to pause as his eyes connected with Token's. "I'll see you tomorrow, Token," Kenny said. He was definitely going to have a chat with the black man the next day after all.

"Uh.." Token trailed off and looked to his lap. "Right. See you tomorrow."

"Hurry up, kid! I've got other stops, you know!" stated the bus driver in irritation.

Kenny smiled and left with his hands in his pockets, feeling somewhat 'high and mighty'. Now he was doing this for the fun of it. It was nice playing detective every once in a while.

"What took you so long?" Eric sighed, arms crossed in front of his chest.

Kenny raised an eyebrow. "You didn't have to wait, you know," he said.

"Whatever. Bye asshole," Eric waved and went off in the direction of his house. Kenny shook his head and walked down the street, swimming through a sea of thoughts and plans to be made for the rest of the week. A small yawn escaped his lips and he closed his eyes for a moment. There was no way their scheme was going to go downhill. He had full confidence in this.

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