Author's Note

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So I'm so sorry for my almost complete silence on these stories since Christmas. Shit has happened, especially recently, and I forget sometimes that I really need to write for you guys. I've begun to procrastinate a lot with these stories and I'm a little bit running out of ideas guys. 

Ignore this next paragraph. REQUESTS FOR ALL MY STORIES ARE CLOSED.

Therefore, I think I'm going to stop taking requests and finish up these books. I'll still write all the active requests that I have so i'm not completely done yet bur I'm don't think I will take any more requests. So basically, if any of you who really like my stories want one last request, I'll give you one week from today to give me those requests and I'll add them to the pile. After that though, I'm done with requests and I'll be trying to pump out those last requests for you all. 

I want you all to know that even though I'm going to stop writing oneshots, I still love you all who read my oneshots and look forward to the next one. I always get excited to look at comments on my stories, even if they are the most mundane things. Really, you all inspire me as a writer to continue writing and I appreciate all of it.

As for my collab story, Love Comes in Its Firsts, I will need to talk to my co-author about what we will do with it. So Luna, if you are reading this, message me on Kik and we can discuss plans for it. 

Again, thanks all of you for supporting me and my dumbass oneshots for over a year now. (Did you guys know that I just turned 16 last Friday? Big shit!!!)

Forever yours and always here for any of you~

~Fab Chi

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