Chapter 1

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My foot tapped to the beat of the music blasting in my ears through my earbuds. Around me, the world could burst into flames and I wouldn't notice at all. I continuously tap my pencil against the table as I think of something to write. Why did English teachers have to give us homework on the weekend?

A hand grabbed my pencil out of my grip and threw it at me. Surprised, I look up to meet the glare of my best friend, Maya Green. Next to her, our other best friend, Dexter Burns, looks at our silent interaction with a small smile. He knows this happens all the time.

I roll my eyes and take my earbuds out. "Seriously?" I ask Maya who continues to glare.

"You know I hate it when you tap your pencil like that," she grumbles. It's true, I did know that. but, I can't help it. I stick my tongue out at her and she copies my action.

I turn my music off and close my notebook with a sigh. "I hate Ms. Pentelly," I mumble as I put my stuff back in my backpack and zip it up. In the corner of my eye, I see Dexter grimace and nod. He's not in my class, but he has her for another period.

Suddenly, a hand grabs my shoulder and shakes me back and forth. Startled, I look back with wide eyes and relax as I see my other best friend, Logan Storm.

"Guys, look at what I found," Logan quietly yells with excitement. I raise an eyebrow at him in a questioning manner and hear Maya ask what. Before answering us, he takes a chair from the table next to us, pulls it over, and sits down. Then, he places an old looking book in front of us.

"Let me guess, you found another one of those mythical books you always look at?" asked Maya. I lean forward and run my fingers along its spine. It feels so fragile, like it can break if I press any harder. As I bring my fingers back, I notice a coat of dirt covering them and frown.

"Yes, but this one's different," he says quickly. He opens the book to a certain page and gestures to it.

"How so?" Dexter asks while leaning forwards to rest his forearms on the circular table.

"Okay, so this says that there's a forest right here, behind this very library. In the forest, there is a very old tree that can see the future and can communicate with us." When Logan finishes, we all exchange glances of skepticism. Logan sighs and continues to say, "Come on, guys. We can at least check it out. Just to see if it's true."

Across from me, Maya shrugs and nods her head. I look at her incredulously. "Sure, what's the harm in that?"

I bite my lower lip and look at Dexter. He doesn't look convinced either.

At least someone is on the same page as me.

"No offence-" Dexter starts.

"I will probably still be offended," Logan states with a straight face.

"-but, the last time we followed you on something like this, we ended up on the other side of town and had to call for your mom to pick us up."

"It won't be like that this time. That was when we were 13," Logan tries to reason. I don't see why he's so eager.

Dexter sighs in resignation and leans back in his seat before nodding. Maya beams.

Then, all three of their gazes lands on me. I shake my head.

"Come on!"


"It's just the forest back here. You'll be fine."

I really don't want to do this. What if something worse than getting lost happens? But, with all my best friends pleading stares, I hesitantly nod my head. Under the table, my fingers toy around with my ring, twisting it this way and that.

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