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We will have a few rules so be prepared. Also please pay mind I am sick at the moment (5/15/16) so my mind might be a little groggy. Please ready the few rules and I will see you later!

1. Please try not to cuss, it is fine if you do a little bit.

2. Please roleplay after I give you permission to.



Age: (no older that 30)








My form:

Name: Grace Zeda

Sibling(s): No siblings

Age: 20

Crush: Gene

Looks: Black hair that goes to her waist, bright green eyes, pale skin, a white shirt, a black cross on her chain necklace, a golden earring on her left ear, blue jeans, and sneakers.

Personality: Nice, caring, friendly, kind of shy at first, and will defend her friends at all costs

Habits: Popping her knuckles, reading and writing too much, pushing up her glasses when she is wearing them at home(at night), rocking her knee or bouncing it when she is bored or impatient, going from hyper to calm in seconds, and singing absentmindedly.

Likes: Music, singing, running, reading, and writing.

Dislikes: Sports, the public unless with her friends, all the attention on her, loud areas, and forgetting her necklace or earring at home.

BFFs: Aaron, Travis, Gene, and Zane.

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