Risky Decisions

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Just as I was about to think more about this situation, I hear a voice... "Congratulations!" The message had quickly reappeared... "You were one out of many to survive! I'm surprised as to why you didn't kill her though... I mean you had the chance, but you got scared didn't ya? That's okay... I'm sure that you'll get more chances. But anyway, didn't you just love the place?! It was pretty interesting wasn't it?!" The voice paused as if waiting for me to reply.... "Oh! That's right! You can't really talk can you... Hmm I'll think about changing that the next time you get here! That is... if you do get here next time. Haha... I'm just kidding! Maybe... but don't worry! I'm sure that you'll be just fine! Anyway, I got to go now so I'll see you soon! Bye now!" Bzzzr

With that thing gone, I'm now able to think to myself. I do realize that someone else has died, and I know that I can't just blind myself with thoughts of disbelief. If I acknowledge this sooner, then I'll be spared the time of having to "fight" myself later on. Despite this, I can still feel that I still own these thoughts. They're there even though they might be hidden.

Hmm... I should just take some time to restore my mana. I then place myself on the ground feeling the grass beneath me, but then I feel something odd. This grass... It's supplying mana. "I guess that's good." I say as I drift off into darkness....

"HEY! WAKE UP!" I heard a voice and my eyes quickly shot open. As I awaken I then see the message ticking down to the last minute. "Geez! You've been out for so long, but anyway you have to get ready! The next battles are about to begin! Oh, and just one tip- know that making allies with other people is allowed, but of course... there is always the thought of them betraying you.... Anyway! Good luck because you're gonna need it! The voice fades away as cracks begin to form along the grass. 10... 9... 8... 7... This is it. 6... 5... 4... 3... The grassy plain around me begins to crack. 2... The sky had cracks flowing through it... I'm ready! 1....

The world around me has completely shattered.


I find myself laying on top of a bed, unhappily, I realize that it did not belong to me. I'm still in this evil world I think to myself. I get off of the bed and see a door a few feet ahead of me. I look around my area, and it appears that I'm in a random room. There was only one colorful window, which lie behind the bed. As I continue to look around the room, I suddenly feel a shake in the ground. "Whoa!" It took a while until the large tremor finally came to an end.

That's right! I can't forget that I'm in a battle. I got so easily distracted by my surroundings. I decide to head for the door, and once I open it, I look both ways. There was nobody there, and that's when I saw my location. There was a guard rail that had shown a location further down. It seems as if I'm on a floor above. I think this place is... just some really huge mansion. It was very nicely decorated and extremely detailed, which supports my thought.

I quickly lost focus of the decor when suddenly, I begin to hear footsteps approaching me. I begin to panic and try to think what I can do. There was only a few options to choose from: first, fight against the figure which I hope to avoid; second, hide back inside of the room I came from which would not be a good idea as the person would hear the sound or even see the door closing; third, Jump off of the railing and head to a lower floor; and fourth, run in another direction, but then they'll hear my footsteps.... | I realize that my options are very limited, and that I may have to fight the figure

I look down the railing and see that jumping down may actually work, but then a very disoriented shadow came into view, and that's when I saw it. A large beast awaiting anyone who fell over the railing. Luckily, it seems as if it won't be able to get up here, but then the thing looked at me! It began to shriek very loudly, and that's what made the sound of the footsteps grow quicker than what it previously had.

I cover my ears and look in the direction of the footsteps simply awaiting the newcomer to arrive. A man walks quickly out of the shadows. His had an expressionless face with some blond hair covering it, and then he surprised me with a small smirk. The sound of the beast had unusually stopped, but I wasn't planning to let my guard off just yet. I slowly begin to back away as he stands there hoping that I wouldn't have to defend myself, but I knew that he wasn't planning on letting me escape. He cast a spell... "Utiqoue Modu" I sense something appear before me. I jump away from the location getting closer to the main enemy. I look towards what appeared to be an undead soldier, but I felt the presence of another one behind me once again. I jump away landing on the railing with accuracy. I've had practice with my balance, and the flat surface of the railing made it easier to stay on it.

As my eyes dart to my previous location, I see that another undead soldier swung at me with a sword. However, it didn't stop there as both of them ran towards me with their swords in their hand. I quickly look behind me, seeing that there was another location to get to. The bad part of it was that I needed to be able to pass that large gap, and I had to avoid the monster below. As the soldiers inch closer to me, I jump off the railing. Shortly following this event I cast a spell... "Viguoi Turren Elia!" As soon as I say the last word, a powerful wind starts to blow up towards me

In the air, I worked on casting another spell... "Lumin Vouia Mrea!" Bolts of magic shot from magic circles that appeared before me towards the sinister man. With quick reaction, he commands his own soldiers to take the hits for him, but it seems he wasn't prepared for what would happen afterwards. The impact that followed was greater than he had expected... the undead soldiers had taken the damage, and yet he was sent flying backward against the wall.

Despite this, I had to worry about another thing, which was my current situation. I turn my body around noticing that I might not make the jump. I was getting closer and closer towards the destination, but it seemed like I wouldn't be able to land on the other side of the railing. I reach my arms as far as they can, and luckily I was able to grab onto the railing itself.

The monster below was patiently waiting expecting me to fall, but I wouldn't allow that to happen. I try to lift myself up, but then another large tremor began again. The building started shaking and holding on became much harder than I expected. The shaking was too great for me, and at that moment, my hands slipped....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2016 ⏰

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