Chapter 3

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Jeffrey's POV:

It's Monday, worst day of the week. I mean who wants to go to school and work for 8 damn hours?

No one. But, there is one advantage. Elizabeth's locker is right next to mine which means I get to talk to her whenever.

Another advantage? She can't do anything about it. Poor baby.

I get out of bed and go to my dresser to find something to wear. I grab the first shirt I see, some black skinny jeans, and my black and white vans.

By the time I am done getting dressed and put ounces if cologne on (it's very attracting to the babes) it's already time to leave.

Fast forward to school---------

"Hey baby girl." I say to Elizabeth pushing her up against the locker. "What the hell do you want?" she says looking me up and down. "Just wanted to see you baby."

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