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A few things need to be said before we get into this story. Wattpad would not let me post more on the original Garder Mon Ame (something about it being too long), so I decided to post everything on this new file right here.

That being said, first things come first. I am going to post my chapters as I have actually written them, that is, they are not edited to really fit into Wattpad's "standards." What I mean by that is, these chapters are going to be LONG. Really long. I will not change that. This is how it would actually appear in my actual book, so please judge it for its content and do not hound me about  its length.

Secondly, this story is very much so unedited. Any critiques, suggestions, pointers, etc. will be greatly appreciated. Besides, I'm sure I can find some room to add a few more  names to my dedication page ;P And I always try to return the favor. So if you comment on my story, look for good feedback on yours!

And lastly, this story does contain some heavy  content. It is labeled as paranormal, but it really is a spiritual story. This is about God. The Devil. Good and evil. If you do not think you can handle heavy subjects like suicide, revenge, and even blasphemy, then this is not the story for you. I don't want any more death threats, okay? Personally, I am a  Buddhist and believe in love and peace. No, I do not have anything against God. No, I do not hate religion. This story is a work of fiction and should be treated as such even though it deals with  very real topics.

With all that aside, I've worked seven years on this story, so I hope you enjoy it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. And, of course:

Keep writing!

~Cecilia Rose

Garder mon AmeWhere stories live. Discover now