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Here it is :D i know that this first part will be boring but the next part should have a thrill or two.

( live your life out, you might not know whats around the next cornor )


I groaned as I heard my alarm for school going off, I threw my arm over to the horrible noise to shut it off. Only 3 more weeks of school left I thought to me, the noise shut itself off as if got up. I slumped over to my Bathroom and turned the water on for a shower, I loved showers in the morning, and it was the best feeling.

I walked over to my cupboard to grabbed out some clothes for school, my normal school uniform was grey socks, green, grey and black knitted checked skirt, a white crisp long sleeved shirt with a tie and normal jumper + green blazer. I guess you would now know that I must go to a private school which is true.

I pasted my phone picking it and stalking back to the bathroom. I threw my clothes on the rack then checked my phone. One message from Anneke and one from Tayla and 3 missed called from a blocked number. The room was already steaming up and It fogged the mirror up, I quickly changed from text messages to music where I put the good old favourite song ‘Harden my Heart’ from the rock of ages.

I got out of the pjs and threw them into the washing basket to let my mom do them; I stepped in and started to wash myself. Anneke and Tayla is my best buddy’s at school and social life, we do everything together, and I mean everything.

“Elicia, do you want a coffee” My mom screamed from the door. I lived with my mom, dad and then 3 older brothers and my twin sister.  “Yes one coffee please” I yelled back over the water and music.

I washed my hair and my body and now was out, I wrapped a towel around my body and did some make-up, just the simple eye liner, mascara, lip gloss. I walked over to my plie of school clothes and got dressed; I always liked my schools clothes for some random reason, maybe because it had class.

“Hurry up Elicia, you only have 10 minutes” my brother Alex called out. Alex is very tall; well all my brothers are very tall. Alex has blond hair and green eyes, he is the oldest of the brothers (21), he did have a girlfriend last week but dumped her cause she was being a bitch. Jarrod is the youngest of all the brothers (18) and he has brown eyes and brow hair, never had a girlfriend. And then there is Connor, the middle child, (19) he has had 3 girls friends his whole life so far; he had brown hair and hazel eyes. Then my loving TWIN sister, she never really had a boyfriend unless you counting going out for 3 hours then she got dumped, yea.

I threw on my shoes and started to walk out the door down the stairs to the kitchen, then I turned around, my shoes squeaking on the wooden floor boards and going back into my room, and quickly grabbed my skull bag, then got on my way downstairs.

Walking around the corner, I walked straight into the kitchen where everyone was sitting around the island. I placed my bag down on the floor and rushed over, I sat next to Alex and mom. My coffee was warm and wonderful, for breakfast I had nutalla toast.

“How is Nick” Jarrod asked me

“Nicks greater than ever, I cannot wait till tonight, our 50th day of being together and he is taking me out for tea” I replied, Jarrod always asks how’s my boyfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2013 ⏰

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