Chapter One

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Our world consists of humans, animals, nature. But what if that wasn't all that was there? What if there were more than just those things? What if I was to tell you that dreams are not imaginary?

When daydreaming, I tend to look at Sage. Her beautiful brown hair crashing over her back, twisting into curls. Her eyes flicking around the room as Mrs. Strickland. She is the worst teacher in the history of teachers. She hates teaching to be honest. That was never her dream, which I find fascinating. I knew her dream before she became a teacher and destroyed it in seconds. All dreams are very sacred and Mrs. Strickland's was our leader of our faction.

"Corin!" She snaps at me. The whole class averts their eyes to me and I snap my eyes to her stern ones. I swear you could turn to stone in a split second she laid eyes on you. She is like Medusa. I sometimes consider to bring a mirror and make her feel like stone too.

"Yes?" I gulp down the trepidation curled up in my throat.

"Pay attention or the principal's office is the next dreaming spot." She sneers, baring her teeth like a wild animal. I nod and purse my lips in a straight line before putting my eyes back on Sage. Her teal blue eyes wash over mine before pulling away to pay attention back to board. I fold my hands over the desk and look at it. I stare at the mask I put over myself in the shine of the wood.

Truth is, I know Sage. Everything about her. She doesn't know about me. I am like a guardian angel, you could say. My job is sort of like that. I have followed Sage through her life. I erase her memory of my name each time she moves. I change my look each time too but my actual self is an exact replica of her. At least what she looks like.

"Corin!" Mrs. Strickland yells. I sigh and get up.

"I'll see myself out since evidently I am not paying attention." I snicker. I wink at Sage before leaving the room to the principal's office. The silence is deafening. No more than five minutes, the bell rings and I head back to grab my stuff. Sage watches me as I pass her. It worries me that she might see through my mannerisms more than what I look like. She is waiting for me when I walk out of the room.

"Yes?" I wonder, holding the books to my chest. The pressure builds up as I became nervous.

"Would you like to come over? I would like to get to know you better?" She wonders, her eyebrows arching in curiosity. Her eyes bore into mine as if to see into my soul.

"Sure. Yeah." I smile, pushing down the worries. She smiles and runs off. How am I supposed to tell someone something about themselves if I am basically them? If that made any sense. I blow a strand of hair out of my face. It sails down as I walk forward. The wind brushes my face with love. I watch the streets, seeing the other field agents out and about. All of want to go home but that only happens at night. I go into an abandoned warehouse where the door is and set my stuff down.

"Corin, how was school?" Avail asks, a smirk painted onto her face. I turn to her, half smiling. Avail's "vessel" is a blue haired emo. This time around at least. What she really looks like is Dani, Sage's friend. Dani is lightly sunkissed, freckles dancing about her face with the deep brown eyes that is an abyss to her soul.

"Shut up. I was paying attention." I roll my eyes.

"I'm glad I wasn't there. I would start laughing at you." She snickers. Avail and I have that kind of relationship where it is hard to tell if we are even friends.

"I know you will. Now, Sage has asked me to her house so I guess I should be going." I pass her.

"I'll be here. Or somewhere with Wickt." She tells me. They are always together. It makes me sick. But I mean, they are soulmates.

Walking down Bridge of Owah, the cool night air begins to descend. It is winter, night time comes before five in the afternoon it seems.

I come to Sage's house and knock her door. In my reflection, is her. It worries me when she looks at me through glass. It is a weakness for us. Our true form can be seen through glass.

"Hey Corin. Want to come in?" She asks as she opens the door. I smile warmly before stepping the heat of the house. Her parents get up to meet me.

"Corin. Welcome." Her mother says. I know a lot about her life, even her family. It is weird but being part of Sage is how I know. It is my duty to find out about her so I can carry her down the path she wants. I follow her to her bedroom and the door shuts behind us. Now comes the hard part.

* * * * * * * * *

The evening falls over us in a blanket. The night went well. I lied through my teeth. When it was time to go, I made sure she wasn't looking out the window at me. Her teal eyes were not shown through that window. I head back to the warehouse to find Wickt and Avail making out.

"You guys gross me out." I say, grabbing my bag. Avail giggles as they separate to come toward me.

"Sorry Corin." Wickt apologises.

"Just...let's go home," I sigh before opening the door. I let them go first before taking a step to home. The fog surrounds us, taking off our masks. I put my bag in it's rightful place.

"Corin!" Fire yells. I groan. Fire is our new leader ever since Jewel died.

"What?" I turn to her. Her face screams so many judgements at me.

"What did I tell you about daydreaming?" She snaps.

"I hate those guys. They always rat me out." I mumble under my breath.

"What?" She urges.

"Don't daydream in class." I correct myself.

"Yes. Now go log your day." She waves me off. I walk pass her and head to the control center. Fred, the commander who lost his vessel awhile ago, turns to me.

"Hey Corin!" He slides up next to me. He likes me, you could say. Sadly, when someone's vessel dies, two of us can't be together.

"Hey Fred. How are the other WFactions?" I ask as I come to a screen. I tape the words and numbers that need to be put in.

"As usual, perfect. The Past, Present and Future are going about pretty well. We are going well. The Nightmares are taking care of people like me like they do but haven't got to me yet. I am still holding on." He smiles sadly. I turn to him. His deep green eyes stare at the ground. Freckles spot his face.

"It wasn't your fault. It is never a Dreams fault for what happens to it's vessel." I touch his shoulder.

"But...he...I was in the car with him. He was drunk and drove because he wouldn't listen. I should of stopped him." He yells. I pull him into a hug. Everyone knows the story. Fred's vessel Derik sped out of control when he was drunk after a party, slamming into a pole and instantly being killed when he hit his head on the glass window beside him. Fred was there and his mask immediately was wiped. Fred came back due to suspicion that Derik didn't die.

"Hey it's okay. Half of us wouldn't be here if you weren't commanding. The Nightmares won't get you. Especially under my watch." I beam up at him. He sniffles slightly before kissing my cheek. He walks off to his station.

"You know what sucks. That you two can't be together." Avail tells me, stopping beside me.

"You know what sucks. That you have someone." I smirk before walking to the Night Dream station. I like to watch Sage's dreams. Sometimes, they are more entertaining than life itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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