Chapter 1

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It sucks to move to a new town and state but its for the best. I really didn't have any yeah. I lived in NYC the big apple until my mom went crazy. She started drinking a lot. One night she came home drunk and beat the crap out of me. My dad couldn't take it anymore so he shiped me off to live will my cousin. My cousin live in a small town but he said there was a baseball feild there so I'm in. I love baseball I live for it. My own hero is Babe Ruth.

It took a hour or two to get to the house from the airport. When I got to the house my cousin was waiting outside a pink house. It was small but ok. I got out of the car to see my cousin. He ran up to me and huged me for about a min or two then let go.

"Hey, how was the ride?" he asked

"If you mean the smelly car i had to ride in for an hour, than horribal." I said laughing. (note I'm probibly going to spell things wrong almost all the time so bare with me plus first time writting this)

We both started laughing. My cousin, Soctty was short with blond hair. His stepdad, Bill was ok if I should say and very nice. My aunt walked up to us and showed me where I was staying. My room was a little bit big if I say so myself. The bed was in the middle agused the wall. My nightstand beside it and a rug underneth it. I had a little walk in closet but it was kinda small. I looked around the room and it was bare so I went downstairs to unpack my things. when I got outside I saw Soctty talking to a boy. The boy was tall and he was tan. He had dark jeans and a white and green shirt on with black PF flyers. He looked at me and smiled I smiled back than got my stuff upstairs.

After an hour of unpacking I grabed my glove and baseball to play some ball. When I got outside I saw Soctty still talking to that boy. I went over to say hi.

"Hi,my name is AJ, what yours?" I asked

"Hey,my name Benny, nice to meet you." he said he held out his hand and I shock it.

"Well Benny and I are going to the sandlot to play some ball, you want to come?" Scotty asked.

"Sure lets go." I said

We started walking to the sandlot and the boys were talking but I didn't pay attention to what they were talking about. When we got there there where seven guys at the dugout. A chubby kid came up to us but Scotty quickly pulled me to the dugout. There was a tall boy with glasses standing behide all of them looking weird. In front of him were two guys that were short. One was wearing thick black glasses and a black hat he was wearing backwereds. He also had blond hair, well I think it was blond his hair was tucked in his hat. The kid beside him was tan with a little bit of muscle. His arms flexed a bit when he saw me. He had light brown hair and hazel eyes. His eyes were so beautiful I couldn't stop staring. I snap out of me gazed and scaned the others. There was two other kids to the left one with sandy blond hair with a hat, and the other no hat on. To the right there was a dark skin kid with a Kanses City hat on. It was quite for a second they Scotty finally spoke.

"Hey guys this is my cousin, AJ. I smiled and waved.

"AJ meet the guys. Starting from the left this is Timmy and Tommy Timmons, Michael 'Squints' Palledorous, Alan McClennan but we call him yeah-yeah, behind them is Bertam Grover Weeks. And last but not least is Kenny Denunez."

"Nice to meet you all." I smiled and Bertam spat after I said that.

"Oh, and that kid over there talking to Benny is Hamilton Porter but we call him Ham." Scotty told me.

"Well are we gonna play ball or what?" I asked.


I turned around and did something I regret.

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