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Yo, this is my new story. Welcome to Ashton's love story. Oh and, this is a very long chapter. 

Why the fudge did I have to start today? 

It was cold, I was tired and hungry and most of all, I was hungry. The night before, I had gotten off the plane from New Zealand to settle in this bustling country; that would not stop snowing. Aunty Jo had picked me up, her chirpiness making me awake enough to get over my jetlag. She showed me to her house- quite large since she was a well known architect- and effectively made me at home. Considering the circumstances, I never thought I would feel at home again. 

And now I was here. Glaring at the people who looked and whispered about the new girl. 

I huffed and slowly made my way to the office, following the student map that made me obviously stand out. Why were there so many people? It was so different, so unlike New Zealand it nearly made me want to go back. 

But there was nothing to go back to. 

I shook my head and walked into the office, avoiding the eyes of the other students and smiling at the office lady. The middle aged woman, the kind of lady who just oozed 'I'M NICE, YOU CAN TALK TO ME' gestured for me to come over. 

"You must be Ashton Ataahua! Welcome to Valley Brooke High!" 

She was so chirpy, I loved it. Nodding, I asked if I could have my schedule. She smiled largely, then gave me a piece of paper, telling me to come back whenever I needed help as I left. 

Walking out, I realized that the first bell had already gone and the halls were empty. Fudge. I looked down at my schedule. First- AP English. 

I walked around the halls, and there were a lot of them, until I found the door marked J302. Knocking on the door, I opened it slightly to see 40 pairs of eyes on me. Great. The teacher was a stumpy woman who had apple red cheeks and a bun at the top of her head. She flailed her arms wildly, inviting me in. 

"You're our new student! Please, introduce yourself to the class" 

I sighed then turned to the class, adjusting my bag on my shoulder. "I'm Ashton Ataahua, just transferred from New Zealand." I nodded at the teacher again then walked to the back of the classroom, sitting in the seat next to a boy who was leaned back, hood on over his face, the embodiment of my feelings right now.

A girl in front of me, brown hair curled perfectly and eyeliner that could cut fboys, turned around, giving me the stink eye. 

"Who even wears tracksuits anymore?" She spat quietly,  not even trying to hide her dislike. I continued getting my books out and ignored her, pulling an apple out to eat. When I took my first bite, the girl shot her hand up, interrupting the teacher's lecture. 

"Yes Janna?" 

She gestured to me and my apple, "She's eating in class Mrs Foster" 

I literally just got here, what have I done to you?

I rolled my eyes and stood up, giving my health note to the teacher. "My details haven't been fully added to the registry yet, but this is why I'm eating" I gave her my note to explain why I had to eat a lot. I had Hyperthyroidism; a kind of disease that is literally translated into eating all the time and never gaining weight. My body constantly needed food, since I burned calories at an extremely high rate, caused by my overactive thyroids. Mrs Foster nodded in understanding, going to her computer immediately. 

"I'll add this to your file straightaway, but I'll email all your teachers just in case." I nodded my thanks to her then carried on eating as I walked and sat down. So Janna was a female dog. All good. Janna stared open mouthed at me and huffed angrily. 

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