The Box

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The car pulled up to Elliot and Kathy's house. Other cars were lined up down the block. It was a party. A fucking party.

When we got inside Kathy asked to talk to me privately.

I dreaded the walk upstairs, fearful that I would see something that reminded me of him.

We walked into their room and I had the urge to bolt. But instead I sat down next to Kathy.

"Olivia, there are some things I think you deserve to know, some things I think you would want to know." She says cautiously. "Elliot and I got divorced, it was finalized a week ago."

"God Kathy, I'm so sorry." I say softly.

"Liv, please just listen okay?" She asks.

I nod my head and she continues.

"We were fighting all the time." She says, "Elliot was trying to fix things, but I didn't want to. I didn't see a point. The last fight we had, was him trying to fix our marriage, and it turned into a fight about you."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I say.

"Olivia, just let me finish." She says with a small smile.

"The day after the divorce was finalized, about a week ago, he came by to see the kids." She says, "We got to talking and he said that Cragen told him you were in Oregon, he had bought a ticket..."

She leans back, and opens a drawer to what I'm assuming is Elliot's nightstand. She pulls out a small black box.

"He said he was going to tell you everything, how he felt about you, the divorce, and that he was going to propose..." She says.

I feel the tears running down my face, I can't even really see Kathy anymore, she's just a blurry figure in front of me.

"He was supposed to fly out the day he was shot." She says. "I put together a box of stuff, that I thought you'd want to keep. And I also wanted to tell you, that just because Elliot isn't alive anymore doesn't mean you don't have family, we are your family Olivia, we all love you, so please, don't be a stranger, you've always been a huge part of our lives, and we need you, please stop by anytime."

"Kathy..." I say softly. "There's something you should know."

"Is everything okay Liv?" She asks, genuine concern etched on her face.

"Elliot and I..." I say quietly, "Elliot and I slept together."

"You didn't have to tell me that Liv, I'm not mad, he really loved you." She says with a small laugh.

"No, Kathy, I'm pregnant." I say sadly.

"Hey, hey, Liv..." She says pulling me into a hug. "We are here okay?"

"Thanks Kathy." I say softly, trying to wipe the tears away.

"Your and Elliot's child, they are a part of our family too, the kids, they have another sibling, and well I don't exactly know what call it in relation to me, but Liv, babies are a beautiful thing, you guys are family, and I can't wait." She says kindly.

She hands me the box and and pulls me into a hug. I put the ring box inside with everything else and walk downstairs.

I find Fin in the crowd.

"Hey uhh Fin, could you maybe take me home?" I ask through the tears.

"Of course baby girl." He says sadly.

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