Chapter 22: The Side of Their Story

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M A R K 

"That's not how you do it Becca. Here, let me show you." I leaned against the softness of bed. Burying my head deep against the pillow as I let the two girls quarrel over how their new toy works. Apparently, here I was inside Bianca's room with Becca as we decided to have a study together kind of night. Actually, before we could even make our way here in Bianca's home after school, we kind of made a stop at the mall since they wanted to buy this new dog toy that they really liked since they were young. It bring back the childhood, that's what they said. 

I rolled my eyes at them before I slowly lifted my body up from the bed with a light groan, making my way towards the study table as I began to open up my History textbook. The two had luckily stopped quarreling as they too settled down to start studying. Becca was on the bed while Bianca sat next to me at the table, reading a classical mythology book that I remembered that she borrowed from the library yesterday. I turn my head to the side as I stared at her side profile, her brows had slightly creased as she was focused on the book. I smiled.

Something about Bianca was so intriguing as hell, I just can't stop thinking about her. For the first time in my life, I've never had anyone make me feel this way. Just seeing her bite down on her lip, flipping her hair to the side and even puffing out her cheeks makes my stomach turn, she was just something. I do like Bianca, I had to admit but I'll never know if she'll like me back. And besides, I can see the way she looks at Ivan. The way she looks at the douche is the same way I look at her. 

Was I nothing but a dear friend of hers? Every day I at least thought once if everything was just different. Our lives weren't like this you know, Bianca didn't get bullied and I wasn't called the bad boy or the freak, just a good kind of different. And to think that Ivan was one of those who made her life quite miserable at the beginning was just insanely weird to know that he had started to be nice to her all of a sudden. Seeing him act as if he's some kind of knight and shining armor in her life just made me pissed but at the same time, somewhat relieved.

You see, I'm not one of those second leading man in every romantic movies out there. I wasn't the jealous type and the one who'd fight for the person he loves and would probably do bad things behind a person's back just to get to her. No, I wasn't like that. I'm a little bit laid back and accepting every life's horrible fate was something I'm good at. If Bianca doesn't think of me as the man who'd be willing to do everything for her, then I'm fine with it. 

If she's happy with her life right now, even if I'm not the cause of it, then it's fine with me.       

I'm not saying that I'm giving up right now, I'd surely be there for her if anything bad happens but I wouldn't be someone who'd intervene with other people's business. Shaking my thoughts away as I let out a light sigh, Bianca then turn her head towards me before she raised a brow, closing her book soon afterwards.

"Hey, you okay?" She asked before looking up at me once again. I gave her a gentle smile before nodding me head, "Yeah, I'm fine." I then saw er nodding her head before she stood up from her seat, excusing herself that she was just going to go down to the kitchen to get us drinks.

I V A N  

I felt my throat getting a little hoarse as I sat down on my study table, piles of papers in front of me as I had been doing a lot of reviews for the exam next week. If this isn't senior life, then I don't know what is. I slowly stood up before I made my way out of my room then unto the kitchen, quite surprised to see Bianca in there with a glass of water in her hands.

"Hey." I stood beside her, leaning against the kitchen counter as I got a glass of water myself. She turns her head to the side as she gave me a smile, taking another gulp on her water. "How's studying?" I heard her ask as the thought of studying made me let out a low sigh, making her chuckle. "I thought so too." She let out another laugh before she looked back up at me. "Are your friends still here?" I asked, drinking one glass in one go, she nodded her head.

"Hey, are you planning on going to prom at the end of the month?" I asked her since I've been quite curious on what she thought about prom. I mean, I never really got to notice her last year since I didn't really know her that time. I saw her pursing her lip into a thin line before shaking her head. "Nah, I think I'll bail on this one." She shrugged before I turn my body to face her, raising a brow. "You're not going? Come on Bianca it's like the biggest event in high school, you have to go." I reasoned out as she only shook her head before looking back up at me.

"And make a fool out of myself? I don't think so." She playfully rolled her eyes as I let out a sigh. "You're not going to make a fool--" "Look, Ivan" She cut me off before continuing, "Me attending social gatherings such as that would only make my life look a peace of trash. I didn't go last year and what makes me think that I'd go this year? It's just plain stupid, alright? Let it go." I could see her lightly frown at her own words before she smiled up at me, and I knew it was fake.

"I should head back now, Mark probably needs me to teach him Chemistry since I'm slightly good at it." She slowly reached out to pat me on the shoulder before leaving me alone at the kitchen to think. Seriously? I can't believe someone would actually skip prom just because they weren't confident enough. I turned around to stare at Bianca's retreating figure. She is beautiful, very beautiful in my eyes and I don't understand why she would think she's a fool, she's nothing related to that.

When will you ever notice how amazing you for me?

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