~When you meet~

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(F/N) = Friend's Name

(B/F/N) = Best Friend's Name

(E/C) = Eye Colour

(H/C) = Hair Colour

(F/C) = Favourite Colour

Karkat Vantas ( Vantas with the nice ass)

Your POV
Your name is Y/N. You enjoy such things as watching movies and staying indoors, away from people. People in your view, suck bulge. Today however was one rare day when you needed to buy some shit for a movie marathon
with yourself. #nofriends
So with a whole load of effort you hauled your lazy ass to the nearest store, browsing the DVD section. You saw a rom-com you had yet to watch, and reached your hand out towards it. Fate, being the bitch it is, meant that another, greyer hand also went for the same DVD.
"HEY FUCKASS! MOVE YOUR HAND BEFORE I MAKE IT MOVE!" the troll yelled, boy was he loud!
"Listen mate, I just wanted to watch a movie, relax and ignore the rest of humanity. Now let me have the movie." you reply in a low, even tone.
You both argued over who got it - you did by the way.  You had found out his name was Karkat Vantas, and yes he was a troll. Personally, you found him to be loud, annoying and disruptive yet you still had his Trollian handle in your purse. World works in mysterious ways man.

Being a human who was not an "emo" or "goth" yet still was enthusiastic about death confused most of your peers, not that you had too many in the first place. Most of the people you hung out with were dead anyway, seeing as you worked in a funeral parlor. New clients came and went as you dressed them up all pretty and such, getting them ready for the next big step. You really had little time for the living, as they just didn't understand you.
One cold winter day, you had just put on the heaters, when a short troll with a long black skirt and Aries symbol walked in. She had no body with her, and seeing someone alive in your place of work was odd.
" Er...hi? Can I help you? " you walked over to her, an unsure expression on your pretty af face.
" Oh, right. I just wanted to look at the place where death day party's took place! " she seemed cheerful, and a little odd.
" Well, this isn't exactly where the so called party takes place, more like where the people come before to look pretty and get prepared? " you explained to her what the parlor was, and she just nodded.
" Interesting." she took a look at her watch " Oh dear, seems I gotta go, here text me later, I want to learn more about this place! ". She pressed a piece of paper with her Trollian on it, and ran out the door before disappearing.
" She's cute, and god Tier!" you happily thought.

Your name is Y/N. Your hobbies  include painting, dancing and writing. You also dabble in gardening. Everyone notes your love of nature, and willingness to share it with anyone. So, as you sat in front of the community garden, telling children about the bugs and their jobs, you saw a small troll with large horns come over. He was standing on what looked like metal legs, and a small smile on his face.
Once you had finished teaching, you felt a light tap on you shoulder. As you turned around you saw the troll from earlier.
"i UHHH,,,HELLO?" he said, stuttering a little.
You smiled down at him, and said hello back.
"i REALLY LIKED YOUR UM,,,LESSON AND WANT TO UH,,,LEARN MORE! iF THATS OK?" He quickly blurted out, blushing.
"Huh? OH, yeah sure thing, I'd be happy to! My names Y/N, here I'm teaching in the library on Saturday, come listen!" You said, handing him a piece of paper with the location, time and your number, which you added.
With that you walked off, not seeing him smile the widest smile possible.

Your a nerd, simply put. You fucking adore all types of games, but have a soft spot for (insert Fav game genre here). You played for fun, not for leaderboard status, and thought very little of those who do, thinking of all the other hours that could have been put into differnt games! Your name is Y/N, and you were stuck in a huge line, waiting on the release of (insert Fav/new game). Your friends were meant to come with you, but bailed at the last fucking minute! Sighing, you shoved you hands into your pockets, and moved up a little in the line.
"Hey, watch it 2weet cheeks, I don't want a fucking brui2e on my back." a voiced with an obvious lisp cried out.
You hadn't noticed that your bag hand just swung into the back of a troll with dual horns and red and blue glasses.
"Oh shit! Sorry, I didn't mean to! Aha..."you awkwardly sputtered out.
He just laughed and said it was ok, introducing himself as Sollux Captor.
"Y/N, Y/N L/N." you replied, sticking out a hand for him to shake. You kept each other company while in line, and scored his Trollian when you went your different ways. Just before you left, he thought,
"2 is better than one...".

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