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As Americans we use the term "depressed" quite often. So what does it mean? The Webster's dictionary gives the definition as "feelings of severe despondency and dejection" Dejection. What is dejection? Dejection is the feeling that you're an outsider. That you're alone, unwanted, a waste of space, a cur, a mistake, or a freak of nature. Depression isn't something you can control. It's something that takes over. It consumes you. And you feel like you're drowning, but you can see the people around you breathing. You feel trapped. And that the only way you can leave, is in a coffin. But it's not true. If you can just reach through the water, and grab someone's hand, they can help you. And there are people out there that care, and are more than willing to help. So if you are suffering, or someone you know is, reach out to someone. And don't stop fighting. I can't promise it will get better immediately, but it's worth a shot. Because without the dark, you can't see the stars.

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