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<><><><><><><><><> texts from 20th Sept. 16:37

'Have u seen what's happening on the news???' - Rowan

'Yeah! I can't believe it! What r we gna do?' - Maddi

'I dunno. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.' - Rowan

'I suppose. Good luck :)' - Maddi

'U too :)' - Rowan

<><><><><><><><><> texts from 21st Sept. 10:15

'R u still ok?' - Maddi

'Yh, it hasn't reached us yet, luckily.' - Rowan

'Gd, I'll be there soon. I'm coming tomorrow. Keep safe :)' - Maddi

'Cool. I'll see u then :)' - Rowan

<><><><><><><><><> texts from 21st Sept. 12:32

'How r u doing? U still ok?' - Emma

'I'm ok thanks, r u?' - Maddi

'Just about, it's starting to get to us though. We can't leave the house :(' -Emma

'Oh. I'll be down there tomorrow. I was hoping to see u but if it's close I suppose it's better to stay inside :(' - Maddi

'Ok, well I'll c what it's like and if it's not to bad, I'll try to get to u.' - Emma

'Ok. Hopefully I'll c u tomoz then :)' - Maddi

'Oh, and just remember, DON'T BREATHE IT IN.' - Emma


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