chapter 1.

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Eclipse's POV
I was sitting on the bed staring out of the window watching other kids play a girl was on her scooter her name was Halley and her sister Mackenzie of course they were yelling at each other cause Halley has a scooter and Kenzie doesn't and Kenzie always beats the shit out of her and then they cry welp I'm bored done with Kenzie and halley drama my favorite show but Miss Bunny her real name was Agatha came it'll to my room.
"Moon down stairs. NOW" she shouted I flinched at her fast movement for my wrist. I shock my head scared and wrote 'my name is Eclipse'
"Oh what ever Eclipse your going into the punishment room"
I was crying and screaming the punishment room was horibble she puts you in the room and plays sad music that makes you cry. The only reason I don't talk is because I didn't learn how to I tried but make noises. She put me in the punishment room and slapped my face.

Louis POV
Simone got mad at Harry cause he got and a fan pregnant.
"Harry I hate you. You also need a hair cut since Zyan left you haven't cut your hair and I have a son already so it's your child not mine not Liam's and not Niall's so don't come crying when something is wrong"
He nodded and smiled those dimples....they made me smile... wait I'm soppose to be mad!
"I want a girl" Harry said I face plamed girls are trouble we finally arrived Niall was sleeping and we left him in the car with a window open.
Eclipse's POV
I was crying I broke out though I have the fear of being alone so it drove me crazy I heard people walk in I saw 4 men I looked at them they had good vibes I waked over there and smiled a man who looked like me even has my curls smiled at me I wrote my name is Eclipse he smiled
"I'm Harry" He said in an accent then he walked off but kept looking at me and smiling.
Harry's POV
That girl looked like me exept with Niall's eyes.
"Miss I want Eclipse"
She growled "How is that little ugh!" She walked to her and pulled her hair to room I heard screaming and crying. I ran to the noise. It was Eclipse. I grabbed Eclipse as she fell into my arms before I heard the girls saying Eclipse never learned how to talk but her head was on my chest and I felt small tears and a little voice.
"D-daddy.." she spoke sobbing o grabbed her and she had a bloody scratch under her eye but she called me daddy.....
Niall's POV
I saw a girl she was cute she looked around 4? No 5 years old she was crying holding her stomach she was only saying daddy then wrote things then I got so confused.
"Why don't you talk all you say is daddy" I asked but not knowing what was gonna happen she wrote 'I never learned'
"My name is Niall" she smiled
"N-ni-na-al" she's trying so hard she held her head and screamed
Harry frowned "Come on sunshine you can do it"
"Ni-Ni-Nia-NIALL!" She shouted nd Liam smiled "say my name Liam"
"My name is Liam" she said saying a sentance she smiled nd giggled shw tried saying something else "I is Eclipse! I lof my daddy!" She smiled
Louis smiled and laughed a bit "SAY MY NAME LOUIS!"
"Loui!" She shouted "I lof Liam Niall Loui and daddy!" She smiled and eyes were closing then she slept holding my hand

Yo yo yo waaaazzzz up I love 1D so ya boom don't hate love you my babes! Stay determined ❤

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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