Chapter 3.

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After falling out of the bed at 8 a.m I just wished that Simon would pick up his phone so I could cancel work today. But nope. I had to go in because he was over in America and I was his assistant and I had the whole freaking company in my hands for the next few weeks. Though Harry had a meeting today he was the one to cancel this time so he could stay home with Darcy who fell asleep at 5 and me and Harry stayed up another half an hour to clean. Harry is going to bring Darcy to the doctor today just in case there is something a bit more wrong with her than a tummy bug. I could already hear her cries when she gets checked and I felt awful inside.

I pressed a kiss on Harry's forehead which he groaned at and woke up from his slumber and sleepily pulled me into a hug. He smiled at me while he fought with his eyes so they'll stay open.

"Stay at home." He whispered hoping to not wake the sleeping Darcy next to him. I shook my head.

"I can't. I'm sorry. I'll leave work the second I can." I whispered back and he unwrapped his arms from me and looked at Darcy.

"We'll call after the doctor." He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes but I knew that once I'll be out of the bedroom door he'd be back in dreamland.

"Okay. I love you both. Bye." I whispered and no matter how much I wanted to kiss Darcy's forehead, I couldn't just in case she'll wake up.She needs to rest.

"We love you too. Bye." I walked towards the door and I already heard quiet snores coming from him.


I checked my phone every two minutes after half past 1. The time that Darcy had a doctor's appointment. No call or texts from Harry. I knew I was only being paranoid but he promised to call and it's already been 45 minutes and I considered on calling him but maybe they got a different appointment or someone had a serious case or so many things could've happened so he can't call yet. I typed away on the Mac counting the paychecks when my phone rang and like a ninja, without checking the caller I.D I picked up.

"Harry?" I asked in a rushed voice.

"Baby." His voice cracked and I knew he was close to crying. My heart sped up and my palms instantly got sweaty. Something has to be wrong.

"Oh My God Harry. What happened? Is Darcy okay? Where are you?" I asked and I was already packing up and turning off the computers so I could go to where we are.

"We are at the hospital. The doctor rushed us in  saying that he thinks Darcy has something way worse than a tummy bug." His voice cracked again and I knew that the waterworks at kicked in. Just like they did with me.

"What?" Was all I could say. I was already running down the hall on the first floor and I grabbed a sticky note from the receptionist desk writing a quick note to why I left early.

"I heard her cry Summer. I heard her cry and if it meant that she would be happy I would've killed myself. I heard her shriek and I couldn't do anything because they sent me out. She is fucking 4 years old and I hear her crying, God knows what they are doing to her and she has to go through it alone because I can't be there and she is crying in the room and I hear her and Summer I...I...for fucks sake I would kill everyone just to be in there." His words were nearly understandable with the cries and I know what he is feeling. I know that with every breath that Darcy lets out as a cry his heart breaks into even tinnier pieces.

"Which hospital?" I asked through my cries.

"Sunshine Children's Hospital." He whimpered and I let out a quiet cry. I know that maybe there is nothing really wrong with Darcy just maybe something wrong in her tummy which we would be over with, with a few medicines or if it's more severe than a small operation, but to know that my baby is crying, my small 4 year old baby is alone in a hospital room with all those machine's that are scary to me not to mention her, and no one who she knows is in there just breaks me apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2013 ⏰

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