Chapter 2

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"Mom! Dad!" "What?" "Its almost 10:30. Shouldn't we be heading back home?" It took almost an hour to get here and I don't want to DIE. Wait if I leave with out warning everyone inside they will all DIE. I have to warn everyone.

"Its coming!" The clock said 11:00. "Nothings coming. Now stop with that!" Why don't they believe me? "If we don't get out of here we are all gonna DIE." Then it happened............

The plane came zumming down and just in that second, I had lost everything. I had lost my home. I lost every thing I worked for. I look around and couldn't see my family. I tryed to get up but my vision was fuzzy. My leg was stuck under a piece of the air plane. "Dad!" No one answer. "Mom!" No one answer. "Luis!" No one answered. I tugged on my leg and it came out but not in one whole piece. It had a huge cut from the back of my knee to the back of my ankle and you could see the bone. I got up & tried to walk but failed multiple times. I tried to look around but my vision was to blurry so I saw nothing. Then I saw my mom under a piece of the planes engine with my brother holding her hand. But the only thing was, they weren't moving. I fell to my knees and screamed the loudest I could, "Why didn't you listen to me!? Why!?" Over and over. But where's my dad? Could he have survived? Could he have escaped? "Dad! Dad! Dad!" Where could he be? There he was... under the plane, the only part of him that I could see was his upper half covered in blood. ".....lila....?" I heard him call. "Dad!" I cried, as I ran as fast as I could to him. "I'm going to get you out! I'll find a way! I'll save you!" I cried as I tried to lift the plane wing off of him. "'s no use... once you lift it off... the blood wouldn't stop and I'll loss my lower half... I can't feel my legs anymore and... and I just want you to know that you'll be okay... I'll be with you... even if I'm not really there... now go... I love you... and I want you to know... we...-" His eyes shout. "Dad! Dad!? Dad please don't leave me! I don't want to be alone!" I screamed, but he had already died...

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